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Sophrology meditation, yoga What activity to feel good about yourself?

Sophrology, meditation, yoga ... What activity to feel good about yourself?

A growing number of studies show that meditation, in addition to reducing stress and anxiety and providing a general feeling of well-being, can also help to overcome crises or troubles with strength and thus improve one's well-being. staff. So, what activity to feel good about yourself?

Yoga combines the practice of asanas, breathing and meditation to heal, heal and rejuvenate.

There are several types of yoga, ranging from the most spiritual to the most muscular, some are relaxing and reinforce the inner resource, others more sporty aim at a better physical condition, practiced alone or in couple, yoga transmits peace and serenity.

The yoga sessions generally last between an hour and an hour and a half, and must take place in a harmonious setting, if possible at a pleasant temperature and leaving our worries in the locker room.

All yoga sessions end with a small relaxation of 10 to 15 minutes to calm our mind and body after the yoga session. Some teachers also offer a pose with a relaxing or invigorating herbal tea depending on the person.

Parisians wishing to do yoga in Paris have an incredible chance, several times a year, there are classes with multiple participants right next to the Eiffel Tower, outdoors.


Sophrology is a method combining physical exercises and deep meditation. This method is not a discipline to be performed from time to time, it must blend into our daily lives to get better every day. Achieving a calm state of mind and inner well-being is a matter of consistency. It is mainly used to combat the stress of everyday life but also to face particular situations, mourning, childbirth, illnesses…

The exercises are relaxing but at the same time dynamic. The goal of sophrology is to find your inner balance to face everyday challenges.

Meditation has been practiced for a very long time and is sometimes a complement to other methods such as yoga. Meditation should be done in a very quiet room, without strong or annoying odor, with a moderate temperature, a music can be used for example a music with the sounds of the forest or the sound of a river.

Meditation involves an inner effort to self-regulate the mind. It is to focus on a thought, or on breathing, avoiding distractions, to learn to be serene, to separate from those around him, and to relax his mind until the liberation of his consciousness. To meditate is not to empty one's mind, nor to reflect on a specific problem.

Meditation increases positive emotions, freeing negative thoughts. In addition, it is used as a complementary therapy to improve health (reduces blood pressure, improves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect). In short, meditation will gradually increase personal satisfaction.
Yoga, sophrology, meditation are 3 best practices to rejuvenate the mind and strengthen the body.

How to practice meditation well?
To meditate well, you have to visualize your breathing, inhalation and exhalation. It must be slow and deep. Inhale well and then slowly exhale.

It is essential not to think about your problems and if, at any time, thoughts that can disturb meditation arise, try to imagine a field full of white flowers and visualize yourself lying on the grass without moving, just in full meditation. Meditation is difficult because, there are many distractions and it is difficult to forget everything but gradually, meditation will become an important part of your life.
