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Hyperpilosity, too much hair: the fault with hormones!

Hyperpilosity, too much hair: the fault with hormones!

While fashion is hairless, excess hair is inconvenient for many women and men. The hormonal origin of excessive hair growth is to be explored. How else can you get rid of this excessive hair growth, which is complex?

Some of our hair is under the control of a hormone, testosterone.

Read also: Laser hair removal: to definitively end hair
It is a male sex hormone that is expressed from puberty. You should know that this hormone is also present in women, but in small quantities, and that it stimulates hair growth in the armpits and pubis.

Depending on gender, testosterone stimulates hair growth in other regions:

In humans: beard, mustache, chest, shoulders, lower back, inner thighs, back of hands, back of feet.
In women: below the navel, around the nipples, inner thighs, down above the lip, between the breasts.
Menopause corresponds to another hormonal period that can stimulate hair growth in typically male areas: mustache and beard in particular.

Be careful, hair also has a strong genetic component, explaining the large variations in hair between certain ethnic groups, certain populations being more hairy than others.

This genetic factor also underlines the subjectivity of so-called normal hair growth.

Namely: Hirsutism designates very severe hyperpilosity, linked to a significant hormonal excess and resulting in other symptoms: acne, alopecia, menstrual disorders, change of voice, etc.

What solutions in the event of hyperpilosity?
A hormone test can detect a possible hormonal disorder causing excessive hair growth.

The treatment can then be hormonal, but it also has drawbacks, the main one being a drop in libido.

Otherwise, you must turn to hair removal techniques to get rid of these hairs:

Waxing with hot wax.
Depilation with cold wax.
Electric hair removal.
Depilatory cream.
Mechanical razor.
Laser hair removal in a medical office.
But the only solution to get rid of these bulky hairs, and which gives definitive results is laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal: to do away with hair
Permanent laser hair removal is performed in the doctor's office (lasers in a beauty salon are not powerful enough for a truly final result).

The principle is simple: the laser beam burns the hair root (the hair bulb which concentrates melanin, the hair pigment).

Several sessions are necessary, and they will be more numerous as the area to be depilated is important.

Finally, some hair areas may be satisfied with discoloration with hydrogen peroxide.

