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Is Çukur's Selim Koçavalı gay (Gay)?

 Is Çukur's Selim gay (Gay)? Is Çukur's Selim gay (gay)? Here are the details of the message that the series wants to give from the bottom.

We would like to share a detail about the Çukur series with you. According to rumors, Selim character of Çukur is in the role of gay in the series. If you missed this detail even though you are a constant follower of the series, here are the details you need to remember.

If we count Selim İdris Koçavalı's son in prison, Cumali Koçavalı, he is one of his 4 sons. However, since he does not adopt any of his father's values, he cannot go beyond disappointment in his father's eyes. A mole in Selim Çukur's TV series.. Have you ever thought about what crime he committed to become a mole? There are reasons underlying the character of Selim to make moves against his family in the series.

Is Çukur's Selim Gay?

Detail 1: Selim did not attend the party held in the hotel room before his brother died, he was humiliated by his brother for not participating in the party. He was sexually humiliated by saying that, he even hid in the back of the car while his brother was being showered with bullets and did not neglect to draw his gun.

Detail 2: Selim and Celal met at the Türkü bar exit, and Celal said his name was Kahraman. What did Selim and Fake Hero go through, what and whose hero was Celal? What did the lawyer show Selim that we did not see but that took Selim's breath away? It is highly probable that the image he made Selim watch is the one with Celal.

Selim's Türk has been with the man he met at the bar and later killed at his home. These images are currently in the hands of Beyfendi. After all these details, it is understood that Selim is GAY.

In the 20th episode aired on the evening of March 12, Selim Lawyer goes to Nazim's behavior and demands that Beyfendi take these images from him. If Selim could get these images, it would remain a secret.

Detail 3: What did the lawyer Nazım Selim watch in the secret scene of Çukur's 5th episode? Selim ran home after the footage the lawyer had watched, kissed his wife most passionately, "God damn you!" on the lips of the woman. her cry poured out. What did Selim do to deserve this?

In the series Çukur, Selim's character hid his choice in order not to be a dime in the eyes of his family due to his sexual preference, started a family and mixed with normal life, and was asked by his older brother, "Are you a wife, son?" he is a humiliated secret homosexual!

In the 28th episode of the Çukur series, it was obvious that Selim was gay. Çukur took Cemil, whom he killed his brother, as an assistant. The marriage of Cemil in the series affected Selim a lot. However, Selim killed Cemil for fear that he would tell everyone that he was gay.

Who is Öner Erkan? (Selim Koçavalı)

Born on January 4, 1980 in Istanbul, the actor graduated from the Theater Department of 9 Eylül University. He started his professional acting career with the TV series Kuzençiler, in which he starred in the 2002-2004 season. Subsequently, she took part in projects such as Love at All Ages, Two Families, Coffee Excuses, Deli Saraylı, Lie World, Mothers and Mothers and Be Happy is Enough.

What is gay (GAY)?

One of the most used names given to homosexuals is the word homosexual, which was transferred from a foreign language. The equivalent of homosexual in the Turkish Dictionary of the Turkish Language Institution is; a person who is in the habit of appeasing his sexual desires with people of his own kind. When gays are mentioned in Turkey, most people think of singers with heavy make-up, transvestites, young men in tight jeans who walk and talk in feminine fashion. Of course, this situation brings with it a conceptual confusion.

Gay; He is a person who is attracted to his own sex.

Bisexual; A person who is attracted to both genders.

Heterosexual; A person who is attracted to the opposite sex.

Lesbian; is a homosexual woman. Gay is a gay man.

transvestite; A person who is satisfied with their biological sex and likes to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.

transgender; A person who is dissatisfied with his or her biological sex and wants to switch to the opposite sex or has passed.

Homophobia can be defined as anxiety, fear or hatred towards homosexuals.

