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Acne, skin problem: 5 foods that cause pimples

Acne, skin problem: 5 foods that cause pimples

Our diet plays an important role in our health. However, some doctors roll their eyes when it is explained that our acne and skin problems have gotten worse after a big meal. A French study proves popular wisdom.
To avoid acne pimples and other skin blemishes, you have to be very careful about choosing the foods that make up your diet. The Nutrinet-Santé survey, which has been tracking the eating habits and health of French people since 2009, confirms this: certain dishes indeed favor the appearance of acne in adulthood.

To determine the link between acne and food, researchers in the Nutrinet-Santé survey asked nearly 25,000 French adults to specify what they had eaten for 24 hours on three occasions. This triple daily report was renewed 6 months later.

Acne: the Western diet in the sights
Scientists compared the responses of participants who still had acne as adults and those who had clear skin. They highlighted important differences in their eating habits. People who have many acne pimples, have a high glycemic load diet, the most harmful foods of which are presented in our slideshow.

 There are several possible explanations for this association. First, a diet with a high glycemic load causes an increase in insulin and hormone levels, which stimulates the activity of mTOR (from the English mechanistic target of rapamycin - enzyme of the family of serine / threonine kinases) . In turn, it stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis, which increases levels of oxidative stress and inflammation, thereby promoting the development of acne. Raising IGF-1 (insulin) levels also stimulates the production of androgens, which are associated with the production of sebum and therefore the development of acne. "

French people find it difficult to follow nutritional recommendations
To keep skin clear, it seems important to limit the consumption of the products presented in our slideshow. However, another part of the Nutrinet-Santé epidemiological survey had highlighted the difficulties of some French people in following the nutritional recommendations of the national nutrition-health program. According to data published in 2011, women are more attentive than men. Senior managers (36%) are also more conscientious than manual workers (24%).

The inhabitants of the Mediterranean region (35%), the South-West, the Center-East and the Paris region (34%) follow the recommended balanced diet better than those who live in the North (28%) or the East (27%). However, the biggest difference can be seen between age groups. Only 16% of young people aged 18 to 25 follow the recommendations of health professionals, compared to 52% of those over 65.
