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PIERS MORGAN An athlete with a penis bulge in a women’s race? It’s utter farce… but there’s a sure-fire way to kill this stone dead

 Piers Morgan: The Farce of Trans Athletes in Women's Sports

Sun columnist argues for protecting the integrity of women's sports

Piers Morgan has once again sparked controversy with his strong opinions on the issue of trans athletes competing in women's sports. In a recent column for The Sun, he argued that allowing biological males to compete against biological females is a "farce" and a threat to the integrity of women's sports.

Morgan drew parallels between the situation of trans athletes and individuals claiming false disabilities to gain an unfair advantage in Paralympic competitions. He argued that both scenarios involve individuals misrepresenting themselves to gain a competitive edge.

The columnist criticized the aggressive tactics employed by the trans lobby to silence dissent and promote the inclusion of trans athletes in women's sports. He warned that this trend is leading to absurd and harmful consequences, such as biological men winning gold medals in women's boxing and trans sprinters competing in women's Paralympic races.

Morgan highlighted the case of Valentina Petrillo, a trans-Paralympic sprinter who competed in the women's 400m race despite having a prominent penis-shaped bulge. He argued that Petrillo's participation was unfair and disrespectful to the women who had qualified for the race.

Morgan also praised the efforts of sportswomen who have spoken out against the inclusion of trans athletes in women's competitions. He cited the examples of Deta Hedman, a British female darts star who has withdrawn from competitions rather than play against trans players, and Sharron Davies, a former Olympic swimmer who has condemned the signing of trans athletes to women's teams.

The columnist proposed a solution to the crisis: all sportswomen should follow Hedman's lead and refuse to compete against trans athletes who were born biological males. He argued that this would be the only way to protect the integrity of women's sports and ensure fair competition.

Morgan's views on trans athletes have been met with both support and criticism. Some argue that his stance is discriminatory and harmful to trans individuals. Others, however, believe that he is raising important questions about the fairness of allowing trans athletes to compete in women's sports.

The debate over trans athletes in women's sports is likely to continue for some time. As more and more cases arise, it will be important to have open and honest discussions about the issue and to find solutions that protect the rights of all athletes.

