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SAVAGE ATTACK Drunk horse rider who scarred glam love rival by smashing glass in her face after day at races sobs as she avoids jail

Savage Attack: Drunk Horse Rider Avoids Jail

Woman sentenced for scarring love rival with glass

A drunk horse rider who scarred her glamorous love rival for life by smashing a glass in her face has avoided jail time. Mia Troake, 22, attacked Felicity Calveley, who had previously been in a relationship with her boyfriend, during a day at the races.

The incident occurred in September 2022 when the two women encountered each other at a restaurant. A heated argument ensued, culminating in Troake striking Calveley in the face with a glass. The attack left Calveley with a deep cut to her lip and permanent scarring.

Troake pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and was sentenced to an 18-month suspended sentence, along with 100 hours of unpaid work and a £1,000 fine. The judge spared her a prison sentence, citing her lack of previous convictions and her efforts to move on from the failed relationship.

Calveley, however, expressed disappointment with the sentence, stating that it did not adequately reflect the severity of the crime. She described the attack as "savage" and said that it had had a devastating impact on her life.

The incident has highlighted the dangers of alcohol-fueled violence and the importance of resolving disputes peacefully. Troake's actions have had lasting consequences for Calveley, who continues to suffer from the physical and emotional scars of the attack.

A Night Out Turned Violent

The attack took place after a day of drinking at Chester Races. Troake and her friends had bumped into Calveley and her group at a restaurant. A verbal altercation ensued, with Troake making derogatory comments about Calveley's relationship with her boyfriend.

When Calveley responded sarcastically, Troake lost her temper and lashed out. She struck Calveley in the face with a glass, causing serious injuries.

Despite Troake's attempts to leave the scene, she was stopped by witnesses who had seen the attack. She was arrested by police and charged with unlawful wounding.

The Aftermath

The attack has had a profound impact on Calveley's life. She has suffered from physical pain, emotional distress, and anxiety. The scar on her face has been a constant reminder of the incident and has led to difficulties in social situations.

Calveley has undergone therapy to cope with the trauma of the attack. She has also been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and has struggled to form new social connections.

A Call for Justice

Calveley's case has raised concerns about the adequacy of sentencing in cases of assault. Many believe that Troake's sentence was too lenient, given the severity of her crime.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing issues of violence and aggression, particularly when alcohol is involved. By raising awareness about the dangers of such behavior, it is hoped that similar incidents can be prevented in the future.

