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Italian doctor nicknamed 'Dr Magic Flute' resigns after he is caught half-naked in a hotel room with a female 'patient' offering to cure her illness by having sex with her

 Italian specialist nicknamed 'Dr Magic Flute' leaves after he is gotten half-bare in a lodging with a female 'patient' proposing to fix her sickness by having intercourse with her 

Dr. Giovanni Miniello, 60, was shot telling an entertainer acting like a patient that she had human papillomavirus (HPV), an infection that can cause disease 

Miniello told the female 'patient' that he could fix her by engaging in sexual relations with her 

The gynecologist was revealed as an extortion by TV program after a lady whined that he was proposing to fix his patients with sex 

An Italian specialist known by the moniker 'Dr. Wizardry Flute' has surrendered after he was gotten half-bare in a lodging proposing to fix a lady's sickness by engaging in sexual relations with her. 

Dr. Giovanni Miniello, 60, a gynecologist in Bari, was the objective of a secret TV examination and let an entertainer know who was acting like a patient that she had human papillomavirus (HPV), a physically sent infection that can cause malignant growth, regardless of a negative smear test. 

Miniello told the female 'patient' that he could give her invulnerability for the infection by having intercourse with her since he was immunized. 

The Italian specialist was revealed as an extortion by the analytical news program 'Le Lene' following a 33-year-elderly person grumbled that he was proposing to fix his patients with sex. 

Dr. Giovanni Miniello, 60, a gynecologist in the southern city of Bari, has surrendered after he was gotten half-bare in a lodging with an entertainer acting like a patient 

The secret entertainer then, at that point, consented to meet him in a lodging, where he again guaranteed her as he stripped that subsequently she would be liberated from the infection 

In any case, before he thought he was going to engage in sexual relations with her, a writer came into the room and astounded the half-stripped specialist, who apparently said: 'I'm doing this for my investigations — and for the others that I have saved' 

The lady, distinguished as Anna Maria, said she had counseled Miniello about being not able to get pregnant, and he told the lady she had indications of HPV, in spite of a negative Pap smear test. 

'I have saved numerous ladies from malignant growth. Every one of those I have had contact with were negative a short time later,' he purportedly told her. 

Yet, Anna Maria chose to contact Italian paper La Repubblica, charging that Miniello had contacted her bosoms improperly and told her he loved ladies with little bosoms. 

At the point when she reached him for the aftereffects of the test, she said she was stunned when he proposed having intercourse with her to fix her. 

The lady then, at that point, contacted the insightful news program 'Le lene,' which recruited an entertainer to depict a patient. 

Minello told her that she had 'white spots' on her cervix, which showed the presence of HPV. He then, at that point, proposed to have intercourse with him. 

Minello likewise guaranteed that having intercourse with someone like him who had been inoculated would give her insusceptibility, and he proposed to check whether he could vaccinate her by engaging in sexual relations with her. 

The secret entertainer then, at that point, consented to meet him in an inn, where he again guaranteed her as he stripped that thereafter she would be liberated from the infection. 

While there, when she got some information about assurance, he told her that it was inconsequential as she would not then get the advantage of the antibodies assuming he had a condom on. 

However, before he thought he was going to have intercourse with her, a writer came into the room and amazed the half-exposed specialist, who apparently said: 'I'm doing this for my investigations — and for the others that I have saved.' 

In spite of the smear test showing all adverse outcomes for HPV, the entertainer was as yet told she had the infection 

Through his attorney, Miniello said: 'I, who have effectively treated many individuals for north of 40 years … just proposed an elective treatment that has yielded results,' adding that he never constrained ladies to engage in sexual relations with him. 

Because of the TV examination, 15 different ladies have approached and asserted they were likewise casualties of the specialist and his supernatural occurrence sex fix. 

Marika Massara, the organizer for the Anti-Violence Center in Bari, said: 'We have gotten a few reports over the most recent couple of days, handfuls. Ladies who have met up and gone through a comparable circumstance. 

'Some think about detailing it, others are apprehensive, likewise on the grounds that the degree of optional exploitation we are seeing is exceptionally high.' 

The public examiner in Bari has in the mean time opened an examination, which is right now in a starter stage to build up current realities.

