Stephanie McMahon Levesque was recently interviewed by bodybuilding website McMahon spoke about losing weight and getting back into shape after giving birth to her kids. Here are some highlights of what Stephanie said about:

Favorite Quote: This isn’t necessarily my favorite quote, it’s just the one that is coming to mind, “Learn to eat shit and like the taste” a life lesson by my dad, Vince McMahon.
Vince’s Love Of Physical Fitness: “It’s hard to say what life was like growing up as “Vince McMahon’s daughter”. I would watch my dad on Saturday mornings do interviews and I’d watch him commentate with Jesse Ventura on Saturday Night’s Main Events. It was just what my dad did; I didn’t look at it as anything unusual. It wasn’t until I was a little older and the other kids tried to make fun of me that I realized my situation was a little different (I actually kicked a kid in the shins for saying wrestling was fake!). My Dad was always big into working out; he’s the one who got me turned on to the gym. He was so intense and trained so hard, it looked like fun!”
How She Met Triple H: “We were married on TV as a fictional couple and life just imitated art…It wasn’t love at first site, but I bet you could call it chemistry at first site. I have never been more attracted to anyone in my entire life! He would just look at me and I would blush; still happens to this day actually.”
Whether She’ll Wrestle Again: “Anything can happen in the WWE!”
Stephanie noted that she legally had her middle name changed to McMahon (making her full name Stephanie McMahon Leveque) and she does not see her and Triple H having anymore kids.
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