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Barclays CEO Jes Staley steps down following Epstein investigation – business live


Barclays CEO Jes Staley ventures down after Epstein examination – business live 

Here's Susannah Streeter, senior speculation and markets examiner at Hargreaves Lansdown, on Jes Staley's takeoff from Barclays today: 

''The repercussions from the Jeffrey Epstein embarrassment stretch all over, and presently Barclays ends up at the focal point of the tempest. 

For the Chief Executive, Jes Staley to venture down after an examination by city controllers into his into his dealings with Epstein, it's reasonable the finishes of the test are basic. While the test didn't focus on Mr Staley's job at Barclays yet what he uncovered with regards to his past position at JP Morgan, what was under question was the manner by which he described his previous relationship with the shamed lender. 

Despite the fact that detail is restricted, it seems controllers accept there was an unmistakable absence of straightforwardness over this relationship. It's perceived Mr Staley will challenge the ends, and unmistakably the board need to remove Barclays from what could be an arduous interaction. 

While different associations center around the natural part of ESG this week under the shadow of COP 26, this advancement is a token of how the G, as in administration, is progressively significant for organizations and financial backers not to neglect to focus on. 

Abrupt change at the top is continually disrupting, and the takeoff of Mr Staley who impelled its fruitful venture banking development technique might be especially terrifying for financial backers, with shares falling 3% in early exchanging. Be that as it may, coherence will be given somewhat by C.S. Venkatakrishnan, head of worldwide business sectors, who will take over as CEO." 


18m back 


The examination concerning Jes Staley's characterisation of his dealings with Epstein focused on messages traded between the pair. 

Those messages were given to UK controllers by JPMorgan Chase, and could show whether Staley's relationship with Epstein was an expert one, as he told Barclays (and Barclays then, at that point, told the FCA), or all the more amicable. 

The Financial Times clarifies: 

UK controllers opened an examination concerning the connections among Staley and Epstein last February in the wake of getting a reserve of messages provided by JPMorgan Chase. 

The messages between the two men — tracing all the way back to Staley's time as a chief at JPMorgan when Epstein was a customer of the bank — recommended their relationship was more amicable than guaranteed by Staley, who had classified the relationship as expert. 

The messages were given by JPMorgan to US controllers, who passed them to their partners in the UK. Epstein was until 2013 a vital customer of JPMorgan's private bank, which Staley used to run. 

Staley fostered a relationship with Epstein and visited the sex wrongdoer's island on his yacht in 2015. 

31m prior 


Full story: Barclays boss Jes Staley ventures down after Epstein examination 

Kalyeena Makortoff 

Barclays CEO Jes Staley is venturing down after an examination by the City guard dog over his connects to the sex wrongdoer and shamed agent Jeffrey Epstein, my partner Kalyeena Makortoff composes: 

The bank said its board agreed over Staley's acquiescence subsequent to being told on Friday of the starter ends in an examination by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority into how Staley had portrayed his relationship with Epstein to Barclays. 

The examination, which started in late 2019, additionally took a gander at the data considering the way that it was thusly imparted to the FCA, which covers direct related issues in the City. 

Barclays said that the active CEO intends to challenge the examination's discoveries. 

Barclays said in an assertion on Monday morning: 

"Considering those ends, and Mr Staley's aim to challenge them, the board and Mr Staley have concurred that he will venture down from his job as gathering CEO and as a head of Barclays," 

Barclays boss Jes Staley ventures down after Epstein examination 

Peruse more 

Refreshed at 8.27am GMT 


39m prior 


Offers in Barclays have dropped 1.7% in early exchanging, to 198.7p, as financial backers digest Jes Staley's takeoff. 

That puts the bank among the top fallers on the FTSE 100 file of blue-chip shares (behind digital safeguard firm Darktrace (- 2.2%), and housebuilder Barratt (- 2%).) 

48m back 


Mr Staley will get a year pay, totalling £2.4m, following his takeoff from Barclays, just as his benefits remittance of £120,000 for the year. 

Barclays says: 

Mr Staley is qualified for a year's notification from Barclays under his agreement of business and will thusly keep on accepting his present fixed compensation (£2.4m per annum conveyed in real money and Barclays shares), annuity remittance (£120,000 per annum) and different advantages until 31 October 2022. 

Under Barclays' chiefs' compensation strategy, Staley (who is American) is additionally qualified to get bringing home expenses for the US. 

No choices have yet been made with regards to any further compensation installments, Barclays adds [such as from the bank's Long Term Incentive Plan, for example] 


1h back 


Victoria Scholar, head of venture at Interactive Investor, says Staley's takeoff is an astonishment to the business sectors: 

Considering an examination concerning Jes Staley's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, the Barclays' CEO is venturing down, from this point forward and is being supplanted by C.S. Venkatakrishnan, who is co-president and head of worldwide business sectors. 

The FCA's examination checked out "Staley's characterisation to Barclays of his relationship with the late Mr Jeffrey Epstein and the ensuing depiction of that relationship in Barclays' reaction to the FCA." 

The news comes as an amazement to the market, and arrangements a hit to the British loan specialist, which conveyed a solid arrangement of figure beating profit under Staley's administration not exactly a fortnight prior. Barclays has been partaking in a series of wins of late, recuperating 155% since the Covid lows of March 2020. 

Be that as it may, the offer cost has frustrated since the beginning of Staley's residency in December 2015, shedding over 10%. 

Refreshed at 8.16am GMT 


1h back 


The UK's City guard dog, the Financial Conduct Authority, isn't giving any further subtleties on its examination concerning Jes Staley. 

A FCA and PRA representative says: 

"The FCA and PRA don't remark on continuous examinations or administrative procedures past affirming the administrative activities as nitty gritty in the association's declaration." 

2h prior 


Presentation: Barclays CEO Jes Staley ventures down after Epstein examination

