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what are the most important symptoms and signs of magic?

 On this topic we will know

We will know what are the most important symptoms and signs of magic.

You will know how to diagnose the enchanted person and recognize him through some signs and indicators

Witchcraft is one of the major sins that our religion has warned of with the most severe warning. First, it condemns the magician to disbelief, and secondly it promises everyone who goes to this magician and everyone who deals with magic with severe torture and shame in this world and the next.

What is magic

In short, magic is some contract and spells that magicians and charlatans perform in order to harness the jinn with the aim of inflicting damage and harm to a certain person and destroying his life

How do I know that I am enchanted

You can know that a person has been affected by magic through the symptoms and signs that appear on the enchanted person that you have not been in before.

But let me alert you to an important thing, which is that the appearance of some of these symptoms on any person does not mean that he is bewitched, as some of these symptoms may appear on a person who is not bewitched.

But the presence of these symptoms on any person is considered an indication of the possibility that he is bewitched, and the possibility of witchcraft increases whenever the person appears on the largest amount of symptoms that we will mention in the following paragraphs

Magic symptoms and signs

The symptoms and signs of magic differ according to the type of magic used, but in this topic we will talk about the most important symptoms and signs of magic in general, regardless of the type of magic that has afflicted him.

In order to clarify the symptoms of magic in a way that ensures a good understanding, we have collected the most important symptoms that appear on the enchanted person, and we will reformulate them differently from what is found in the sites and to ensure that the symptoms of magic are well understood.

If you look at the symptoms and signs of magic in general, you will find

The symptoms of magic have more than one type and take more than one form depending on the way they appeared and when they appeared, and in general we will divide the symptoms of magic into three parts:

First / sudden changes

Second / general symptoms.

Third / special symptoms.

In what follows, we will talk about each type in some detail

 Sudden changes in the enchanted person

Perhaps sudden changes are the first symptoms that appear on the enchanted person, and we mean by sudden changes is the sudden change of the enchanted person from one state to a completely opposite state in one or some of the things.

The change and transformation that appears on the enchanted person is characterized by two things:

- This change occurs suddenly, without introductions and without reasons, or there may be reasons, but it is not logical to cause this shift and change.

- It is usually a negative change, so it turns from something positive to something negative, such as change from love to hate, from joy and elation to sadness and distress, from health to illness, from worship to sin, and from activity to laziness and lethargy ... etc

For example: you may know someone who loves his wife very lovingly, and suddenly, without reason, he hates her very much, for such a sudden change and transformation that has no reasons is considered an indication of this person's affliction with magic

General or permanent magic symptoms

By the main or permanent symptoms, we mean the symptoms that are observed on the enchanted person almost always, and we will talk about them in general without going into details.

In this paragraph: You will learn about the important initial symptoms and the main signs through which you will be able to initially diagnose whether or not you or whom you care about is bewitched. 

Among the main symptoms that you can notice for a bewitched person are the following:

The enchanted person hates worshiping God in general and is averse to anything in which God is mentioned.

The enchanted person hates the Holy Quran, whether he heard it or read it.

The health of the enchanted person is not okay, as they always complain of pain and diseases, most of which have no organic cause and cannot be treated with medical treatments.

The psychological state of the enchanted person is full of various disorders, an unstable psyche that lacks calm and stability.

The enchanted person frequently suffers from disturbing dreams and nightmares, especially seeing snakes, snakes, cemeteries, and cats, especially black ones.

The enchanted is always noticed lethargy and laziness

Special or detailed magic symptoms

We mean by special magic symptoms are the symptoms that appear at special times or appear on special sides. There are symptoms that do not always appear on the enchanted person, but only at special times and there are symptoms that we can notice on one aspect of the bewitched person’s life, and among the most important of these symptoms are the following

Symptoms of magic when hearing or reading the Qur’an

We previously talked in the General Symptoms section that the enchanted hates the Holy Quran, he hates reading it and hates hearing it, and this in general,


What will happen if the enchanted person hears the Holy Quran?

- What are the symptoms that will appear then?

If the enchanted person hears the Holy Quran, one or some of these symptoms will appear on him:

Severe heart palpitations.

Clear irritation and escape from hearing the Quran.

Tingling in the left hand.

Frequent yawning.

Symptoms of sick magic

We previously talked about general symptoms that the health of the bewitched person is not okay, as he always complains of pain here or there.

But what are these diseases?

The pathological symptoms that the enchanted person complains of are many, we will not be able to list them all in this paragraph, but we will mention the most common symptoms that the enchanted person complains of, and the most important of these pathological symptoms are the following:

Permanent headache that has no organic cause and does not subside when taking painkillers.

Change in the skin color of the enchanted person, especially the face.

The enchanted person sometimes complains of a loss of feeling accompanied by severe pain in the chest and neck area.

The enchanted complain of lower back pain that has no causes and no medical treatment.

The enchanted person has difficulty breathing from time to time, and you notice that he has to breathe with great difficulty.

The disease is transmitted from one place to another in the body of the enchanted person. Today, the patient may complain of pain in his hand, and suddenly it may disappear and appear in his foot.

What are the symptoms caused by magic?

The pathological symptoms caused by magic do not have a special shape so that they can be recognized immediately, as they are similar to other organic symptoms

For example

Headache caused by magic does not differ in effect or pain from other headaches that have an organic cause

And the headache that an enchanted complain about is the same headache that an un-enchanted person might complain of

There is no difference between them ... But

How do we know that this disease is caused by magic and not an organic cause?

Organic disease is a habit

It has organic causes and when conducting examinations it is possible to find out the causes of the disease.

It can be cured if appropriate medical treatment is used.

As for the disease caused by Sahar, it is

It has no organic cause, and when the tests are carried out, no reasons are shown for the occurrence of this disease.

It cannot be cured with medical treatments. In the event that the medical treatment prescribed by the doctor is used, it will not usually work

Symptoms of magic, psychological and nervous

If we look in general terms, as we talked about in the section on general symptoms, the psychological state of the bewitched person is not okay. The disturbances fill it, and calm and stability are devoid of them.

And if we wanted to look at the psychological side more closely, we would find that there are a group of special symptoms that appear on the psychological side of the bewitched person, the most important of which are:

The enchanted person suffers from hallucinations and delusions, so you always find him fancied or imagined that he did something even though in reality he did not do it, or that he fancies things that did not happen in the first place

Enchanted suffers from mental distraction.

Enchanted suffers from frequent forgetfulness.

An enchanted person is very angry and usually very angry as well

The enchanted person feels constant distress, which makes the enchanted person cry for no reason.

Family and social magic symptoms

If we look at the family and social side of the enchanted person, you will find that there are special symptoms that will appear to you, the most important of which are:

The husband hated his wife or vice versa without reasons or introductions, and suddenly after their life was full of love, understanding and affection.

The husband is alienated from his wife or vice versa when they meet, while they may long for each other if they are far from each other.

Abstinence from sexual intercourse and the absence of the desire to do so, and sometimes the inability to do so.

A bewildered person may hate sitting at home because he feels very upset while he is at home, and therefore you find him often outside the house.

A sudden change in relationships and you find that he loves a person very much, and suddenly, without reasons, he hates him strongly or vice versa

