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Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat - Myth or truth? Works?

Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat -Myth or truth?Works?

In order for you to discover the effects of Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fatness, it is enough to confer on us post and see other important dicas on how to ter or abdomen perfectly.


Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat - Does It Work? Recipe
Itens necessary
1 colher (soup) of cânfora (sold in pharmacies);
1 colher (chá) of sodium bicarbonate (sold in pharmacies);
½ small bottle of Vick Vaporub;
1 colher (chá) of alcohols (those used at home to sanitize children).
How to prepare and apply
Misturing all the ingredients in an attached container that consists of a homogeneous paste;
Espalhar essa pasta no abdômen massageando em circular movements to feel that freshness characteristic of Vick Vaporub;
Deixar essa mistura agindo na pele enquanto você performs physical exercises, seja em casa ou na academia. O Important is that these exercises are aerobic, or other, with high capacity to burn calories. Note: an important care to carry out this application and not to sunbathe in this paste with Vick Vaporub estiver no corpo;
As long as you live as Vick, it is also possible to carry out domestic activities to favor queima de calorias;
You have less than 1 hour of hair with this paste and do not take care of any activity that requires more physical, just take a bath and drink locally or locally.
This application must be valid for 45 days in a row. After this period, excellent results will be noted, both in terms of abdominal reduction, nourishment of the pele and reduction of the measures not adopted.

For failing in measures, another interesting indication is that it was before and after you. Not on the first day of application, follow the abdominal circumference with a metric measurement and repeat this procedure at the end of two 30 days of application.

Necessary care with Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat
This creme with Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fatness must be put together in a glass pot with tampa and kept in geladeira;
In every day it is essential to drink 2 liters of water (filtered or mineral);
Before you give the first application you need to be allergic. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product not covered, and in any case, such as vermelhidão ou coceira, or cream, it can be applied safely in the abdominal region;
Or use desse creme não é recommended for pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.
7 dicas to eliminate abdominal fat
check out this trick to reduce abdominal fat with vick vaporub

In order for you to obtain the best results with Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fatness, there is nothing to say about these practices:

1 - Increase or consumption of fibers
Or consumption of foods rich in fibers is essential to lose weight (belly). They promote a true non-organism faxin for or Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat, mainly eliminating or excess fat and sugar.

The fibers are also the greatest allies in the functioning of the intestine, avoiding or falling into the region of the abdomen that you are sometimes confused with being overweight. Ou seja, intestine functioning is synonymous with reduced abdominal circumference. Among the most fiber-rich foods are:

Big wave;
Wheat germ;
Semente de chia;
Linhaça seed;
Couve de Bruxelas;
All Bran type cereals;
2 - Reduce or consume refrigerant
Or refrigerant or the main vilão of a perfect belly. For this reason, what makes you look free of abdominal fat needs to eliminate or drastically reduce or consume your drink. In addition to facilitating or using Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat.

Or more indicated is that or consumption of this drink is replaced by pure water, sucos naturais, chás and coconut water, drinks that offer mineral, vitamin and hydration or organism, potentiating the elimination of fat.

3 - Tiny or dense carbohydrate consumption
It is recommended that to use or Vick Vaporub for Abdominal Fat, it is necessary to reduce or consume dense carbohydrates, mainly after 18 hours. dense carbohydrates são:

Branco rice;
Pão branco;
Traditional macarrão;
Biscoito recheado;
Bolachinhas water and salt;
Cereais com açúcar;
Pão de queijo.

4 - Reduce or consume açúcar
In addition to decreasing or consuming carbohydrates, reducing the amount of sugar ingested is essential for losing weight and dramatically decreasing the measures of abdomen. Therefore, the foods to serem avoided são:
Twelve cakes;
Biscuits rejected;
Condensed leite;
Refined sugar;
Packed drinks etc.
5 - Learn how to deal with stress
In addition, you have too much weight to think of, or an accumulation of abdominal fat may be related to or stressed.

Or a different reason that when or endured with a prolonged period of stress, there has been an imbalance quanto à geração de hormônios, mainly or cortisol. This hormone, in addition to increasing or appetite, is the face of the body that accumulates the greatest amount of fat, not abdomen.

For this reason, learning to manage or stress is essential to lose weight in the ideal body or body. Between as you say to deal with or stress, as well as to practice yoga, meditation, therapy etc.

6 - Ter uma regular physical activity
A practice of a physical activity (mainly aerobic) is essential to lose weight, tone and reduce measures. Or more suitable for activities such as: running, fast walking, pedaling and swimming.

In carrying out physical exercises, it also contributed to the functioning of the intestine and the blood circulation, crucial fatigue for reduction of bodily injury, mainly in the region of Abdomen.

7 - Drink plenty of water
It is not by chance that this is a unanimous recommendation of doctors and nutritionists. Drinking at least 2 liters of water (filtered or mineral) every day is essential to lose weight and cleanse the bones, speeding up metabolism and the natural process of emagrecimento.

Note: it is not recommended to drink water during the meals, since it is difficult to digest and increase or decrease.

In order for you to make this Vick Vaporub trick for Abdominal Fatness work, it is also necessary to increase your discipline not every day to reach your goals.
