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10 essential minerals your body needs

What are the essential minerals of the body?

Essential minerals are essential, especially for bones, inner balance, digestion, thinking and energy.
In this article we talk about

10 essential minerals your body needs

1- Calcium
Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the human body
Calcium is a mineral found mostly in bone tissue, as well as in extracellular fluids and in the cell, which works to shrink the heart and the health of nerves and muscles.
Moreover, it is an excellent intermediary between enzymes and hormones found mainly in milk and its derivatives.

2- Iron
Iron provides the nutrients needed to form red blood cells, which are the main components of blood. Without the right amount of iron, the matter develops into anemia, God forbid.
Iron can be found in various foods, such as:

Red meat - beef liver - legumes.
Dried fruits - in some vegetables.

3- Phosphorous
Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals in our diet
It is the second mineral to be concentrated in the body - its main function is the formation of bones and teeth. It also helps the growth of proteins and energy storage.
On the other hand, it interferes with the body's use of carbohydrates and fats.
Phosphorous is found in foods such as:
Soy - Meat - Liver - Milk - Oats - Fish. Cereal - whole bread.

4- Magnesium
It is found in the bones and fluid inside the cells in addition to that it interferes with the activity of many enzymes, in the synthesis of proteins, in muscle contraction and transmission of nerve flow.
Magnesium is present in the following foods:
Fish - dried fruits - all grains - in vegetables with green leaves.
After calcium, magnesium is the most important mineral for solid skeletal formation and muscle health.

5- Iodine
It is an essential mineral for the functioning of the thyroid gland The hormones produced by this gland perform many important functions, such as the proper development of bones and the brain
Iodine is found in various foods such as:

Food rich in iodine
Seaweed - dairy products - cereals - fish.
Seafood - table salt - in some fruits and vegetables.

6- Zinc
Zinc is an effective antioxidant, and it helps the immune system to function properly and can be found in the following foods:
Fish - dried fruits - legumes - mutton.

7- Sodium
Sodium is one of the most important minerals in our diet
Sodium regulates the amount of fluid in the body and thus it maintains the permeability of cell walls and facilitates muscle and nerve impulses.
The most common form of sodium is sodium chloride or common salt. This plays an essential role in the functioning of the central nervous system and muscles.
A little salt is enough to meet the daily need for sodium chloride In return, excessive consumption of salt raises blood pressure and sodium is found in foods such as:
Bread, tuna, cheese, meat, seafood, sausage.
Note: It is important to avoid excessive consumption of salt on the dining table so it is not recommended for table salt, but it is preferable to choose aromatic herbs to enhance the flavor of the meals. As well as those herbs, they already contain a lot of added salt

8- Potassium
Potassium is a key mineral in the body. Potassium performs many important functions such as generating proteins, breaking down carbohydrates and benefiting from them or ensuring proper growth and other things.
It is found in a variety of foods such as bananas and vegetables, as well as red meat and fish like sardines and tuna.
On the other hand, it helps balance the effects sodium produces on blood pressure. In fact, sodium and potassium are linked to the balance of body fluids.
While potassium is inside the cells, sodium is outside the cells.
So they both maintain exchange, which allows the body to work properly.

Eating vegetables is necessary for the body
In combination with iron, copper is involved in the production of red blood cells. In addition, the body also helps absorb iron.
It is also necessary for the nervous system, blood vessels and bones.
You can find copper in the following foods:
Seafood. Dried fruits. Potatoes. All cereals.
Dark leafy vegetables.

10- Manganese
It may be less famous than its predecessors, but it is a mineral that performs important functions in the body
Manganese is the cofactor of various enzymes, including those responsible for metabolizing cholesterol, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Manganese is found in many foods such as whole grains, nuts, some legumes, rice and coffee, or some spices such as black pepper.
Other important minerals of the body in all living things
Molybdenum: acts as a catalyst for enzyme systems.
Selenium: Helps produce antioxidant enzymes.
Chromium: It works as a glucose tolerant agent.

Sulfur: Provides essential amino acids that the body does not produce.
Cobalt: An essential component of Vitamin B12, it is necessary to form red blood cells and stimulate the production of enzymes.

What might the lack of essential minerals mean?

Although you may not know these minerals, they maintain the health of your body and thus balance your body - they are essential elements for maintaining your health, and therefore the deficiency of these minerals causes many diseases, which can be avoided by including many important minerals in the diet. .

Usually we talk about vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, and minimizing the role of minerals, but they are no less important so in reality without them the body cannot function properly.
 So it is best to include them in your diet in sufficient quantities.
