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Tips for losing a stomach

Tips for losing a stomach

Who has never dreamed of a perfectly flat stomach? Easy for some, a real headache for others. Here are some tips to display a pretty figure.

1 - The belly: object of all complexes
2 - Flat stomach: fight against constipation and bloating
3 - Flat stomach: which sports to favor to find it?
4 - Lose belly: a balanced diet
The belly: object of all complexes
7 out of 10 French people do not like one or more body parts according to a Yougov survey carried out for the Meetic dating site in 2017. Their main point of tension: the stomach (39%).

 And women are the most critical of their figure. And their paunch also a great source of discontent. 48% of those polled recognized that it was - for her - a source of the complex. They also tick on their love handles (36%).

These insecurities have consequences on daily life such as the choice of clothing or even sex life.

A study by Zava reveals that body image is a factor of shyness in bed for 6 out of 10 men and almost 8 out of 10 women.

Weight is the main source of complex during cuddling, both for men and women with 67% and 74% respectively. In addition, women are more concerned about their stomachs (57%).

But fortunately certain tricks make it possible to lose this much-maligned belly.

Flat stomach: fight against constipation and bloating
First of all, you have to fight against constipation. Poor transit can play an important role in this swollen stomach aspect. To promote the work of the intestine, it is necessary to favor dietary fibers. The recommended daily amount is 45 to 50 grams of fiber.

There are two types :

Soluble fibers: they act on the control of blood sugar and cholesterol. They also reduce digestive discomfort, prevent diarrhea and promote the balance of the intestinal flora. They are found in apples, pears, oranges, strawberries as well as asparagus, beans, Brussels sprouts and carrots.
Insoluble fibers: having a high swelling power, insoluble fibers accelerate transit and promote satiety. These are the most effective against constipation. So when you want to find a flat stomach, you must be careful to have on your plate this type of anti-constipation food such as bran, wheat cereals, peas, spinach, turnips, green beans, certain legumes or seeds and oilseeds.
If constipation and bloating persist over time despite a balanced diet rich in fiber, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Anti-bloating stuff
Certain gestures also help reduce bloating:

avoid chewing gum;
massage your belly using circular movements with the palm of your hand
