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Baby fever: 3 tips to bring it down

Baby fever: 3 tips to bring it down

Fever is a natural symptom that allows the body to fight against a viral or bacterial attack. It is therefore not always necessary to lower baby's fever. But what if the baby fever is poorly tolerated?

Baby health: when to lower a fever?
If your child tolerates the fever well (playing, eating, smiling), there is no point in bringing it down, because it helps the body fight infection. On the other hand, if your child does not tolerate the temperature well, it is important for his comfort to lower it. In addition, it is urgent to consult if the fever exceeds 40 ° C, if your child is drowsy, does not eat or has difficulty breathing.

 Baby has 40 fever: what to do?
Baby Health: 3 Ways To Lower The Fever

Below 38.5 ° C, there is no need to resort to medication, there are simple solutions to lower your infant's temperature: - discover your child, but do not leave him naked; - give him a drink regularly; - the practice of lukewarm bathing is no longer recommended nowadays, you can apply wet and fresh cloths on the neck of your child. Above 38.5 you can give paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are completely contraindicated in young children. If the fever persists for more than 2 days despite these few tips, it is best to take advice from your doctor.


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