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10 of the strangest and most unique teas!


Along with coffee, tea is considered the most popular drink in the world. The types of tea we drink depend on its purpose, and the types usually vary according to health reasons or to fix the caffeine.

Various types of tea

And when it comes to teas, they range from sweet to bitter, and everything in between! In recent times, green tea has become more popular than before due to its many benefits, the first of which is that it is rich in antioxidants, its effect on the digestive system, aiding in the processes of food metabolism and the regulation of fat burning.

Green tea is not the only type of tea, as with the increase in tea drinkers, many types appeared that arrived on the market from their original places, and gained great popularity among people.


In this article, we talk about 10 of the strangest teas that everyone has never heard of! You might want to try one of these if you're a fan of tea!

10 of the strangest and unique teas ever!

Blue tea - an attractive color!

What makes this tea strange to many people is the blue color that it gets when preparing these leaves. The reason for the color is dressy, as it is made from dried pea flowers found in Thailand. The taste is very similar to the taste of flowers, and many people find that it has a sourness similar to that of a lemon, and they believe that this acidity in its leaves is the reason for its striking blue color.

Purple Beauty Tea

This tea is made from a new mutant variety that has been discovered. The leaves and buds of the plant are purple in color, which gives this tea its name. Purple tea has a very floral flavor, which is common with tea. However, everyone who has tasted purple tea finds that it tastes more floral than many other teas.

Purple beauty items are reported to be more expensive compared to other teas.

Tomato mint tea

This tea tastes almost like drinking a bowl of soup in a cup, however, it is categorized as a delicious tea. Since tomatoes are the main component of the flavor, mint adds a bit of exoticism to the mix.

Labrador tea

Perhaps the first thing you noticed about this tea is the name, it is named after a very popular breed of dog in the United States. This tea is brewed from an evergreen shrub found in North America.

Although it may be a strange name, it has an abundance of health benefits such as treating colds, poor nutrition, and kidney or liver problems, as well as helping with headaches. It is also rich in vitamin C and has a spicy taste and an earthy aroma. However, be careful when drinking this tea, as too much can cause indigestion and vomiting.

Reishi mushroom tea - one of the medicinal teas

This young man is being used specifically for medical purposes. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that give the drinker many nutritional benefits. As for the taste, it is extremely strong and sharp, which is perhaps one of the reasons why it is limited to therapeutic uses, but some people enjoy drinking it!

Comfrey tea

As its name suggests, comfrey tea is a soothing and relaxing form of tea. This tea is made from the herb yin found in China, which is known for its medicinal uses to calm the body. Also, some studies in this field have proven that it has benefits that aid in the health and beauty of skin and skin.

Maple tea

For those who love the taste of maple, this tea is for them! One of the exotic teas that have a predominant maple flavor. The advantage of being a dark black tea is fond of concentrated and sweet maple leaves, so much so that no added sugar is required.

This tea originated for the first time in Canada, and recently it has appeared in other regions of different parts of the world and has a unique and delicious taste.

Sparkling tea

This type of tea is not different from the flavors that are added to the tea such as raspberry, mint, lemon, or herbal flavor, etc. The only difference is that the manufacturers of sparkling tea add carbonation to make bubbles and fizz.

Cloudberry tea

If you are visiting Scandinavia, we recommend you to try Cloudberry tea made from the fruit of Cloudberry, which has a soft sweet taste and unique aroma that adds a different taste to the tea.

Blossom flower tea - one of the teas with full bloom

What makes this tea strange is not its flavor or aroma, but rather its strange appearance! This tea is made from white or green tea, but the leaves are wrapped in layers when dried. When you pour boiling water on it, the leaves are separated from each other as if it were a flower whose leaves open, then the flower petals come out and appear in a unique scene! As for its taste, it varies according to the type of leaves used.

Additional types ..

Kokicha tea is a Japanese tea

What makes Kokicha tea special is that it is actually a by-product of tea production. Unlike other by-products that mostly end in tea bags, kukicha is a loose leaf tea and can be produced from high-quality tea leaves.

It can be made from the leaves of pancha tea, sencha, kapusika, gyokuru, and matcha, and it can be green or roasted and even mixed with matcha tea powder. Kokicha tea has stems and leaves. Due to its very low caffeine content, it is one of the most popular macrobiotic teas.

Yerba mate tea "green mate"

You may have heard of yerba mate tea before called green mate, which is one of the rare herbal teas that contain caffeine. Yerba mate is the most popular and most important beverage in many South American countries. What makes it special is the fact that it contains a lot of antioxidants, and may provide many benefits, and it can be roasted and mixed with other ingredients, crushed or chopped into small chips.

In many ways, it is similar to yerba mate green tea. You can re-soak the same leaves up to 10 times, and you can cold brew or use them to make iced tea. While green mate may be strong and astringent, the toasted variety is gentler and easier to prepare and drink.

