The 2019 Japanese Evolution Championship Series, commonly referred to as Evo Japan 2019, is an upcoming fighting game event held to be held in Fukuoka, Japan on February 15-17. This is the second EVO event to take place in in Japan. The event will offer tournaments for various fighting games, such as Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, and King of Fighters XIV.
The Evolution Championship Series (also known as EVO) is the biggest and longest-running e-sports annual event in the world that mainly focuses on fighting games.
EVO JAPAN 2019 (15-17 Feb) features a lineup of the most popular fighting games bringing together the best of the best players from around the globe for one dazzling exhibition of skills and fun. EVO also gathers thousands of game enthusiasts to watch the best players compete and claim the sweet spot of victory. This year’s tournament is called Evolution Championship Series: Japan 2019 or simply EVO Japan 2019.
An EVO livestream that was centered around Dead or Alive was temporarily taken offline last night, after a segment that was deemed to go against the “integrity” of EVO. The segment in question featured two gravure idols posing on stage.
Below, you can see the apology from the EVO boss. Over on ResetEra, you can find an archive of the segments that were deemed a bit too risque for viewers. For those not in the know, gravure idols are women that primarily model in magazines and online, aimed at men in Japan.
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