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watch match HHH Vs Daniel Bryan WWE WrestleMania 30

watch match HHH Vs Daniel Bryan WWE WrestleMania 30

Still feeling the effects of a similarly brutal attack by Triple H weeks earlier on Raw, Bryan “Yessed” to the ring at WrestleMania with bandages wrapped around his chest, an accessory that stood in stark contrast to the opulent gold skull helmet and crimson robe of the man Stephanie referred to as “the most powerful man in WWE.” In a show of what appeared to be sportsmanship, The Game began the bout by extending his arm for a handshake — a move that was countered by a kick to the palm by the bearded revolutionary.
Risking further injury, Bryan nevertheless launched his body at the sadistic COO with reckless abandon, but it was Triple H who gained an early advantage by zeroing in on Bryan’s all-too-obvious weak point. Twice, Triple H tore at Bryan’s damaged limb with wince-inducing crossfaces, but it was The Game’s second application of the hold that allowed Bryan to reverse the maneuver into his own “Yes!” Lock. Watching at ringside, Stephanie’s malicious grin morphed into a look of genuine concern as Triple H barely made it to the ropes.
After being staggered by Bryan’s swift kicks, Triple H — driven by pure hatred for everything the “Yes!” Movement stands for — summoned the energy to plant Bryan with a Pedigree. Bryan’s lofty WrestleMania aspirations were seemingly for naught.
But then he kicked out.
As the Superdome came alive for their intrepid hero, Bryan evaded a second Pedigree and stunned Triple H with his signature knee strike to pick up the win. And “Yes-sleMania” was born.
Although Bryan’s dream of WrestleMania grandeur traces back to his globe-trotting days on the independent scene, his journey to this year’s Show of Shows truly began at last year’s SummerSlam. There, The King of Kings all but handed the title to his hand-picked “face of WWE,” Randy Orton. Bryan reclaimed the title in a rematch at Night of Champions, but an official’s questionable fast count afforded The Game the opportunity to strip the “Yes!” Man of the title the following night. Despite his staggering popularity, Bryan was up against the greatest foe he’d ever faced in all his years in the squared circle: office politics.
Frustrated and pinned against the glass ceiling The Authority had placed above his head, Bryan persevered, anxious for retribution against the man who deemed him unworthy of the spotlight. At WrestleMania 30, Bryan more than proved his worth — a revelation that no doubt fueled Triple H’s post-match attack.
Bryan might have conquered The Game, but it remained to be seen if the injured underdog could prevail against The Animal and The Viper on The Grandest Stage of Them All. But, then again, isn’t beating the odds kind of his thing?
