Photographe basé à Philadelphie Mike Allebach, 31, dit MailOnline qu'il a été capture 'épouses punk »pour plus de six ans, et plus de sélectionner des robes bustier simples pour montrer leurs encrages.
«J'ai rarement clients couvrent un quelconque de leurs tatouages, dit-il. «La plupart des épouses aiment leur art et ont payé beaucoup d'argent au fil des ans pour le faire."
En effet, dans les photographies de M. Allebach - qu'il qualifie de «dur à cuire» - les épouses sont vus sourire car ils mettent leurs tatouages sur l'affichage.
One is seen with just a simple rose on her right shoulder while another appears with intricate designs covering her back.
Tattoos range from flowers to mythical symbols to popular figures such as Hello Kitty.
'I rarely have clients cover up any of their
tattoos,' he said. 'Most brides love their artwork and have paid a lot
of money over the years to get it done'
Happy occasion: Indeed, in his photographs the brides are seen smiling as they put their tattoos on display
Many wives-to-be complement their body art with piercings or quirky hairstyles and make-up.
It is unclear if the grooms also have tattoos as they appear dressed in long-sleeved dress shirts and suits.
The father-of-three previously worked as a graphic artist and was in a punk rock band before that.
how he came to the current juncture in his career, he said: 'I asked a
heavily tattooed friend to model in a wedding dress.
Getting dressed up: Many wives-to-be complement their body art with piercings or quirky hairstyles and make-up
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