A boy with a giant head, died of pneumonia
Eugene Sevost'yanov, which fought for the life of the country's top neurosurgeons, died in Magnitogorsk.
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Mom to the last hoped to be able to save his beloved son
4-year-old Eugene Sevost'yanov, who became famous all over the country, when the doctors come from St. Petersburg to return him to normal shape of the head, died Thursday morning in the arms of her mother.
- Nothing boded trouble, the state had a normal son, we only February 17 discharged from the hospital, doctors said everything is normal - crying mother, Olga Eugene. - I went up to him at 5 am, he slept, and after a few minutes began to swallow the air, like a fish. I immediately caused the ambulance, said that his heart could not stand a little boy.
Previously, Jack has successfully undergone surgery in the best children's surgeon William Petersburg Khachatryan. He was discharged from the hospital, and he went to Magnitogorsk.
Khachatryan from St. Petersburg has advised local doctors, as to carry the child to the Northern capital was impossible. Later, the state of Eugene has stabilized, but as it turned out it was only a temporary improvement.
St. Petersburg until recently, doctors believed in the success, despite the skepticism of colleagues inostarnnyh prediction products.
- Children with this form of hydrocephalus, as in Eugene, not more than 40 worldwide - the doctors say. - The chances for salvation was not much, but we may not have been seen from the way a child dies. Did everything possible!
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