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Adele did Middle finger video and photos cut off at the brits award show

Adele Middle finger cut off at the brits award show
In a chaotic climax to the 2012 Brit Awards, the singer was ‘cut off’ while in the middle of her acceptance speech after winning Album of the Year.

A vulgar gesture and an ocean of booze... Oh so typically Brits
Adele cut off at the brits award show

The reaction says everything about Adele’s all-powerful position in British music that, having rudely flicked her middle finger at record company bosses on national television on Tuesday night, she was the one to receive multiple apologies yesterday.

‘Nothing makes me prouder than coming home with six Grammys, then coming to the Brits and winning Album of the Year,’ said Adele. ‘I am so, so proud to be British and to be flying the flag and to be in the same room as all of you.’

Childish: Adele rudely sticks up her middle finger after her speech is cut short
She opened her mouth to continue, but was stopped by the presenter, actor James Corden, who had been told that they were out of time and needed to cut to Blur’s finale in honour of the band’s Outstanding Contribution to Music award.

‘Can I just say, then, goodbye and I’ll see you next time round,’ she said.
And with that she gave the seated record executives who surrounded the stage a proudly raised middle finger, accompanied by a defiant grimace.
It was enough to leave the most powerful men in the music business choking on their cannon of lamb, and spitting out their swigs of the finest Cotes de Rhone.
Surely she would never have dared make such a crass gesture at the Grammy awards, held in Los Angeles last week, where rather more is expected of the performing talent.

'Thank God I didn't get too drunk last night!' Georgia Salpa shares racy snap during photo shoot after wild night at Brits after-parties

But then the Brit Awards 2012, which featured binge-drinking teenagers, intoxicated superstars and embarrassingly off-key performances, was probably just the right place for the trading of playground insults. 
Despite attempts by Brits chairman David Joseph to make the ceremony cleaner and more professional this year, it remained a chaotic forum for bad behaviour.

Adele is usually lionised for her relatively clean-cut image, but why make a rude finger gesture at the people who run the industry which has made her, at 23, internationally famous and worth £10 million?
And did she think of the effect her crude display would have on the millions of teenage girls who buy her records, pay to see her concerts and see her as a role model?
The only reason can be pure bad manners: someone is getting rather too big for her sparkly Louboutins.
An even sorrier sight, surely, were the One Direction boys. The five members of the boyband, aged between 18 and 20, became merrier and merrier as the night went on, egged on by Corden. Their table groaned with bottles of champagne.

Living it up: Surrounded by empty bottles of champagne, the boys of One Direction are egged on by Brits host James Corden, third from right

Sorrier sight: The One Direction boys made an embarrassing PR slip up when the time came to take to the stage to receive the award for Best British Single

