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The Logitech iPad 2 keyboard is easy to connect to the tablet computer and transforms it into a mini-laptop

The Logitech iPad 2 keyboard is easy to connect to the tablet computer and transforms it into a mini-laptop

When Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPad less than 18 months ago, technology fans collectively questionned a tablet computer that was neither a mobile nor a laptop.

With a hefty price tag and no keyboard or mouse, one could have been forgiven for thinking that Apple had just launched their own version of the Sinclair C5.

You could send emails, but there was no keyboard. There was no Microsoft Word for iPad and the whole thing just looked like an oversized iPhone.

Review: Logitech iPad 2 Keyboard Case

Price: £89.99
Read More : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2028841/Review-Logitech-iPad-2-Keyboard-Case.html

