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The only REAL winners in the Djokovic vs Australia saga are Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor, writes MIKE COLMAN

The only REAL winners in the Djokovic vs Australia saga are Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor, writes MIKE COLMAN

Tennis hotshot Novak Djokovic had visa dropped briefly time on Friday

Migration Minister Alex Hawke did as such to 'ensure public interest' in Australia

Djokovic, 34, has again pursued the choice in the Federal Circuit Court

The 2022 Australian Open beginnings on Monday at Melbourne Park from 11am (AEDT)

Novak Djokovic versus the Scott Morrison government was continually going to be a walkover for the home side from the second the Serbian set foot in the country.

On one side of the court you had an arrogant, entitled, multi-mogul against vaxxer who by his own affirmation had submitted traditions structures containing erroneous data when he arrived in Melbourne.

On the opposite side, presenting with new balls, was a Liberal Party Prime Minister who has gone through the beyond two years being embarrassed over line control by Labor Party premiers.

Given a once in a lifetime chance in a political race year to show that he is as yet accountable for who enters this country, it was absolutely impossible that the PM planned to fail.

It was anything but a lovely triumph using any and all means, and when Immigration Minister Alex Hawke crushed the match-champ, Mr Morrison looked more like he'd been 12 rounds with Tyson Fury than partaking in a touch of hit and snicker.

Novak Djokovic's fantasies about winning a tenth Australian Open have all the earmarks of being shredded after his visa was dropped briefly time on Friday

Melbourne TV moderators Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor represented numerous Australian inhabitants recently when they expressed in spilled film the counter vaxx, multimillionaire from Serbia ought to be expelled and denied the option to play in the Australian Open

As Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said in attempting to rain on the PM's procession, 'It ought to never have worked out like this. The Morrison government generally reacts nearly nothing and past the point of no return. It never visualizes an issue that is descending the track and doesn't act until an issue turns into an emergency.'

While looking into the unwinding of the entire Djokovic catastrophe, it is difficult to absolutely contradict Mr Albanese, however any stones that will be tossed at the Federal government over its part in the issue aren't anything in contrast with the torrential slide that is unquestionably headed Tennis Australia's way.

Individuals who run the game in this nation will get a respite until the finish of the Australian Open yet meanwhile, there ought to be a many individuals high up in that association setting their resumes up.

Stunner wind in Novak Djokovic adventure as it's uncovered his...

If at any point they start a college course called Event Mismanagement 101, a paper on the preparation, execution and execution of the current year's Australian Open ought to be required perusing.

The entire thing has been a finished disaster beginning to end, with Djokovic assuming the part of the reprobate flawlessly.

Obviously, he has his allies. There's the Serbian head of the state for one, and Novak's mum and father too, to avoid even mentioning that multitude of individuals waving banners and standards outside the lodging where he was confined.

The revolting adventure was a chance for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to show each and every individual who runs Australia - with Djokovic the fall fellow given he is unvaccinated

A timetable appearance the differentiating fortunes Novak Djokovic has suffered since showing up in Australia on January 5

Yet, truly, check out current realities. He entered this nation utilizing reports that contained bogus data.

He faulted his group for making an 'blunder' regarding where he had been before entering Australia. He intentionally uncovered a French columnist to Covid with next to no notice.

He has, previously, challenged Covid limitations in different nations - and seen his kindred experts get the infection thus.

Is this truly somebody we need coming into our nation at the present time?

For the beyond two years Australians have, generally, observed the guidelines put somewhere near our chiefs to control the beginning of Covid in this country.

Therefore some have botched the opportunity to bid farewell to friends and family who passed on alone.

They have been not able to go to burial services or solace and backing wiped out family members in medical clinic. They have been declined passage to their own home state, had their wedding functions dropped and seen their organizations become bankrupt.

World No. 1 Novak Djokovic, 34, can pursue the choice through his attorneys on legitimate grounds - which means he could in any case include at Melbourne Park come Monday

Also those equivalent Australians are relied upon to invite into the country somebody who displays those standards since he can hit a tennis ball better compared to any other person?

Barely. I can't help suspecting that there are just two individuals who have emerged from this wreck with their notorieties upgraded, and that is Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor, those newsreaders in Melbourne.

In a whirling obscurity of misleading statements, trick, guile and out and out lies they were the ones in particular who talked reality - and expressed what almost 100% of Australians were thinking.

As Maddern said, 'the manner in which you check out it, Novak Djokovic is a lying, slippery a****hole'.

Also Amor was right on the money when he said that 'Djokovic gave a bulls**t excuse and afterward fell over his own f***ing lies'.

Right on the money.

Presently, would we be able to kindly continue ahead with some tennis ? - beginning with our own special Aussie trust, ladies' reality number one Ash Barty.

