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Dior has deleted 'tone deaf' Johnny Depp ads from its social media accounts promoting its Sauvage fragrance after outrage over its use of Native American culture

Dior has deleted ads from its social media accounts promoting its Sauvage fragrance after outrage over its use of Native American culture

Sauvage in French has a variety of meanings, including wild, unspoiled and savage. The fragrance is not new and has been produced by Dior since the mid-1960s 

Dior has deleted ads for its 'Sauvage' cologne featuring Johnny Depp
The ad was criticized for using Native American themes and accused of cultural misappropriation and racial insensitivity
It features Depp dressed in a poncho, a Native American man doing a traditional woman and a dark-haired model in Native American dress  
Sauvage in French has meanings, including wild, unspoiled and savage 
Dior has deleted ads from its social media accounts promoting its Sauvage fragrance after it faced a backlash because of its use of Native American culture. A video on Twitter featuring a Native American dancer and an Instagram post explaining the campaign that was crafted with Native American consultants was deleted hours after the fashion house was called out for cultural misappropriation and being racially insensitive. As part of the Sauvage campaign, Johnny Depp stars in the ad called 'We Are the Land' that is described in marketing materials as an 'ode to Mother Earth'. Twitter users led the outrage, with some criticizing the luxury brand for using outrage as a marketing tool.
