Produced by Tim Burton and directed by Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted), the movie is a revisionist live-action horror tale that re-imagines the revered U.S. President as an “ax-throwing, highly trained vampire assassin” whose motivations in fighting slavery is to wipe out the undead. Written by Seth Grahame-Smith, the movie had a much smoother ride to production than his first revisionist horror Pride and Prejudice and Zombies which is still languishing in development hell.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter but 20th Century Fox have this past week released a brand new one-sheet poster and some new stills.
Relatively unknown Brit actor Benjamin Walker stars as Abraham Lincoln just seven months or so before Daniel Day-Lewis gives his sure to be Oscar recognised portrayal as Great Abe for Steven Spielberg’s long-gestating biopic. This one however is less Oscar baiting and more blood and gore B-movie schlock, at least we can presume as we need a trailer to see how Bekmambetov is really going to handle this material. We are guessing Hammer Horror style camp but we shall see.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Alan Tudyk, Anthony Mackie and Dominic Cooper all give their acting weight to supporting roles.
The new stills come from Entertainment Weekly along with the new and rather obvious (but no less relevant) one-sheet poster with how the Lincoln memorial
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