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Williams Responds To Mayor's Last Minute, Shameful 'State Of Emergency' Declaration To Block Solitary Ban

 Williams Condemns Mayor's Eleventh-Hour 'State of Emergency' Declaration to Block Solitary Confinement Ban

In a scathing rebuke, Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams has sharply criticized the administration of New York City Mayor Eric Adams for its "shameful tactic" of declaring a last-minute "state of emergency" in a desperate bid to undermine a new law banning the use of solitary confinement in the city's jails.

"This is a shameful tactic, another desperate abuse of power by this administration to try and ignore laws it opposes," Williams said in a strongly worded statement. "Misusing a 'state of emergency' is dangerous, especially from a mayor who claims to care about public safety."

The Public Advocate accused the Adams administration of consistently refusing to engage in meaningful efforts to improve conditions on Rikers Island, the city's notorious jail complex that has been plagued by a deepening crisis of violence, neglect, and human rights abuses. Instead, Williams charged, the mayor has opted to "cover up the crisis and spread misinformation" rather than work with partners to enact genuine reforms.

"Any state of emergency on Rikers continues to be caused by an administration that has refused to engage with partners to meaningfully improve conditions, with a preference for covering up the crisis and spreading misinformation," Williams said.

The latest controversy erupts as the city was poised to implement a landmark law, passed twice by the City Council, that would have banned the use of solitary confinement in New York's jails. However, in an eleventh-hour maneuver, the Adams administration invoked a state of emergency, effectively circumventing the new legislation.

"Now, the mayor wants to throw out yet another law of our city in order to maintain a status quo that threatens people on both sides of the bars," Williams declared. "At the last possible moment, he is declaring an 'emergency' without public notification or legitimate justification. It is inexcusable, and we will explore all means of ensuring that this administration cannot continue to abandon its duty to execute the law the Council overwhelmingly approved twice."

The public advocate's scathing rebuke underscores the deep divisions and mistrust between City Hall and reformist advocates who have long campaigned to overhaul the troubled Rikers Island complex. Critics argue that the mayor's emergency declaration is a transparent attempt to preserve a flawed system of solitary confinement, which has been widely condemned by human rights groups as a form of cruel and inhumane punishment.

As the battle over the solitary confinement ban intensifies, Williams vowed to exhaust every available avenue to hold the Adams administration accountable and ensure that the will of the City Council and the broader public is upheld.

"It is inexcusable, and we will explore all means of ensuring that this administration cannot continue to abandon its duty to execute the law the Council overwhelmingly approved twice," he said.

The clash over Rikers Island's future is poised to become a defining moment in Mayor Adams' tenure, pitting his law-and-order approach against the growing movement for carceral reform in New York City. With the public advocate's forceful rebuke, the stage is set for a high-stakes legal and political showdown that could have profound implications for the city's criminal justice system.

