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Jordynne Grace Wins Digital Media Championship At Bound For Glory 2021

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Jordynne Grace is the very first IMPACT Wrestling Digital Media Champion. 

Jordynne Grace ended up as the winner of a six-way intergender game to dominate the Digital Media Championship on the Bound For Glory "Commencement To Glory" pre-show. Effortlessness outperformed John Skyler, Fallah Bahh, Crazzy Steve, Chelsea Green and Madison Rayne to win the title. 

The last snapshots of the match saw John Skyler hit a top rope fire fighter's convey senton, then, at that point, Chelsea smacked him as he got up. Skyler hit her with a clothesline, however Jordynne came in and tossed an uppercut prior to hitting a Grace Driver for the success. 

Peruse More: IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory Results (10/23/21) 

Look at the full match and the "Commencement To Glory" pre-show beneath: 

Jordynne Grace as of late talked with Women's Wrestling Talk regarding how she actually has a few "dream matches" left on her rundown, including Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, and WWE's Natalya. She said she's cheerful she can talk Kim, who resigned after IMPACT's Rebellion occasion in 2019, into getting back in the ring once again. 

"Man, you know, my other dream match will be with Natalya and she's likewise with WWE," Jordynne Grace said. "I'm attempting to ponder another person that will be only a mind boggling individual to have a match with. Every one individuals that are my fantasy matches are either resigned or in WWE, truth be told. Since Awesome Kong recently resigned, she was another that I would say would be one of my fantasy matches, that'd be amazing. However, you know, really, I lied, there is one individual that I truly feel like would emerge from retirement to have a match with me. What's more, that is Gail Kim. I've been conversing with her with regards to it for some time and I feel like she would do it." 

Peruse Grace's remarks about her different objectives in wrestling at this connection. 

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