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Fortnite downtime today: How long are Fortnite servers down for new update 18.30?

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 Fortnite vacation today: How long are Fortnite servers down for new update 18.30? 

FORTNITE servers will be down today as Epic Games dispatches its next large update across PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mobile and Nintendo Switch. 

UPDATE: Fortnite personal time is going to begin and the game's servers are currently going down for a lengthy upkeep period which could last a limit of a couple of hours. Update 18.30 will be accessible to download during this cycle, with additional subtleties recorded underneath. 

Unique: Fortnite update 18.30 is dispatching today, and that implies upkeep across every significant stage. 

Fortunately we know exactly when Fortnite vacation will begin today and a harsh aide on how long it will endure. 

Last week saw Epic delivery the Fortnitemares occasion, and it very well may be difficult to follow that up this week with a genuinely new thing. 

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In light of pieces of information shared recently, Epic is anticipating unvaulting another exemplary thing. 

The current week's opposition appears to be between the Combat Shotgun and the Boogie Bomb, and it's difficult to say which will win. 

The Combat Shotgun looks pretty prone to make a return, yet there could be numerous Fortnite gamers expecting to keep away from it overwhelming the Island, in any event, for a brief period. 

There are additionally bits of gossip that the Cube Town may at long last change into the reputed Pyramid that was found last season. 

3D shape Town will supposedly transform gradually into a Pyramid overwhelmed by the Cube Queen, albeit this remaining parts unconfirmed by Epic Games. 

The Fortnite group has prodded that more is being anticipated October, telling fans recently: 

"The leader of the Cubes — The Cube Queen — arises, introducing the following period of Fortnitemares 2021. The Wrath of The Cube Queen is presently upon the Island. 

"Since Fortnitemares started (and even previously), the Cubes have been assembling. Their relocation towards the Island's middle wasn't simply to spread defilement — they're presently at the middle shaping The Convergence. What is the reason for this strange construction? 

"The Cube Queen's anger has led to another Sideways weapon — the evil Sideways Scythe — just as returning things like Witch Brooms and the Pumpkin Rocket Launcher. Utilize the Scythe and these devilish supplies to stand your ground in fight." 

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Fortnite vacation today: How long are Fortnite servers down for new update 18.30? 

FORTNITE servers will be down today as Epic Games dispatches its next enormous update across PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mobile and Nintendo Switch. 

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UPDATE: Fortnite vacation is going to begin and the game's servers are presently going down for a lengthy support period which could last a limit of a couple of hours. Update 18.30 will be accessible to download during this interaction, with additional subtleties recorded underneath. 

Unique: Fortnite update 18.30 is dispatching today, and that implies upkeep across every single significant stage. 

Fortunately we know definitively when Fortnite vacation will begin today and an unpleasant aide on how long it will endure. 

Last week saw Epic delivery the Fortnitemares occasion, and it very well may be difficult to follow that up this week with a novel, new thing. 

In view of pieces of information shared recently, Epic is anticipating unvaulting another exemplary thing. 

The current week's opposition appears to be between the Combat Shotgun and the Boogie Bomb, and it's difficult to say which will win. 

The Combat Shotgun looks pretty liable to make a return, yet there could be numerous Fortnite gamers wanting to keep away from it overwhelming the Island, in any event, for a brief period. 

There are likewise bits of hearsay that the Cube Town may at long last change into the supposed Pyramid that was found last season. 

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Fortnite update 18.21 PATCH NOTES, server vacation, Golden Cube occasion 

3D shape Town will purportedly transform gradually into a Pyramid overwhelmed by the Cube Queen, albeit this remaining parts unconfirmed by Epic Games. 

The Fortnite group has prodded that more is being gotten ready for October, telling fans recently: 

"The leader of the Cubes — The Cube Queen — arises, introducing the following period of Fortnitemares 2021. The Wrath of The Cube Queen is currently upon the Island. 

"Since Fortnitemares started (and even previously), the Cubes have been activating. Their movement towards the Island's middle wasn't simply to spread debasement — they're currently at the middle framing The Convergence. What is the reason for this puzzling design? 

"The Cube Queen's fierceness has brought about another Sideways weapon — the vile Sideways Scythe — just as returning things like Witch Brooms and the Pumpkin Rocket Launcher. Utilize the Scythe and these underhanded supplies to stand your ground in fight." 

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Fortnite vacation for update 18.30 is planned to begin today at 9am BST in the UK, or 4am EDT in the event that you live in North America. 

The present upkeep period could most recent a few hours, albeit Epic Games has not cautioned that it will be excessively long on Twitter. 

They have given a most extreme time cutoff to the present Fortnite vacation, with support expected to end before Midday BST. 

A message from the Fortnite support group peruses: "Do you battle with power… or with groove? 

"The v18.30 update is booked for discharge on October 26. Personal time will start at approx. 4 AM ET (08:00 UTC), with matchmaking being crippled approx. 30 minutes prior." 

As referenced above, Fortnite servers will begin closing down 30 minutes before 9am BST, which means you could be kicked from live matches. 

More Halloween shocks are arranged, so it will be fascinating to perceive how the island will change before the finish of October.

