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Algae: source of minerals and vitamins

The nutritionist looks into the sea, where the algae grow that contain a certain amount and minerals. Agriculturally, there are many genetically conscious areas of seaweed with algae that contain one of the minerals found in vegetables that we are related to. The vegetables grow in the soil, which means that a number of cultures have used nutrients, the soil is very poor in nutrients in the end, in understanding the sea that is being renovated.

Algae: source of minerals and vitamins

In countries like China, Japan and Korea, algae are part of their workforce.


    Algae: Spirulina
    Types of edible algae

Algae: Spirulina

Seaweed is a rich source of minerals. These include sodium salt form and iodine. But in quantities, they also contain calcium, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, magnesium and zinc found.

They contain vitamins, but the contribution of vitamin A and vitamin C are the known ones.

Seaweed can directly on the blood, if it is very acidic, this this fat.

Seaweed helps us to lose weight and keep us fit. All algae without exception have many interesting properties.

The brown algae fibers help to confirm the claim and lose the risk of need in people with cardiovascular relationship problems. The Japanese are the biggest consumers, it has decided that seaweed is a good detoxifying effect against radioactive particles and heavy metals. Their high iodine content is called the risk of thyroid cancer. You can also remove poisons like cadmium in occupational and environmental protection.

    Matico prevents cancer

Seaweed has a plant substance that becomes phytoestrogens in our body. Studies show that eating seaweed is a factor that explains the low rate of breast cancer in Japan. Brown algae contain a substance that strengthens the intestinal mucosa. They also have a very low glycemic index and are high in fiber. Those who consume algae increase the good bacteria in the gut.

Types of edible algae

There are three groups of edible seaweed:


Green algae have a high concentration of chlorophyll. But they are so named for their similarity to land plants. They are sea lettuce, chlorella, freshwater microalgae and spirulina.

Red algae that have a high concentration of carotenes, which are a red pigment. They are the Nori, Irish Moss, and Agar.

Brown algae have a green-brown color, fucoxanthin is a pigment that is brown. These are Kombu, Arame, Wakame and Fucus.

Freshwater algae are generally toxic to us.
