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Everything you need to know about cardio training

Everything you need to know about cardio training 

At the moment, there is no longer a gym that does not have a cardio training space. This physical activity is indeed increasingly popular for many reasons: endurance, better health, feeling of well-being and weight loss. Learn more in this article!

Focus on the benefits of cardio training

Cardio training, also called cardiovascular training, is a sports activity that involves a group of muscles during a progressive intensity effort. It improves breath and endurance. It also promotes the performance of the heart and lungs to optimize the delivery of oxygen. With regular practice, this type of sport helps reduce the risk of high cholesterol, diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure. It even helps prevent certain types of cancer. It is also an excellent complement to bodybuilding, thus increasing the resistance of the body. This is why it is very popular with professional athletes.

Many overweight people choose to go for cardio training. Indeed, the latter helps burn calories and fat. It is therefore a perfect way to lose weight. It is also an endorphinogenic activity, that is, it releases a pleasure-related hormone called endorphin. It therefore brings a feeling of well-being. As a result, this sport can help relieve stress and relieve anxiety and depression. But that's not all, this type of exercise is also an essential ally for all those who suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders. Finally, cardio training improves libido.

What sports equipment for this physical activity?
There are many sports devices that allow you to practice this physical activity. Note that running, swimming and cycling are also forms of cardio training that do not require a lot of equipment. The rower is, among others, a complete equipment allowing to gain muscle mass. It is the ideal device for athletes who exert strong pressure on the lower part of their bodies. This is, for example, the case with cycling, football and basketball. If the goal is to shed pounds and gain endurance, the treadmill is an excellent option. For those who like to run or just walk without putting strain on their joints, the elliptical trainer is a good choice. good alternative. By simultaneously mobilizing the arms and legs, this device is perfect for optimizing limb coordination. There are still many other equipments like the stepper, the exercise bike, etc. The choice of the best equipment obviously depends on the level of each athlete. To have a good result, the best is to be supported by a professional in the field. Joining a Toulouse gym is therefore a great idea. Experienced coaches are available to advise and support beginners on the good practice of such physical activity.
