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Video What Happens When You Boil an iPhone 6 in Coca-Cola

In a video that will make everyone coveting an iPhone 6 cry a little bit, Ukrainian YouTube celebrity TechRax drops a supposedly “brand new” one into a pan of boiling Coca-Cola.
While you will not hear the voice of Siri crying out for help in this clip, you will see a fair amount of the phone’s material slowly melt away.
“The results made my house smell like smoke for 2 hours,” the tech blogger writes in the stunt’s description on YouTube. “I would NOT recommend trying this at home.”

The footage has racked up more than 1.8. million YouTube views so far since it was uploaded a couple of weeks ago. Turns out this mad scientist-type blogger has also baked an iPhone 6 inside a turkey for four hours and drilled a hole into one with a power tool.
Although, we could see parents using this video as a threat to sons and daughters who will not stop texting during family meals over the holidays.
