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Video A baby bear performs a circus act at a golf course

The bear grasps the pole with his paw as two of his more nervous siblings watch from the edge of the green

The bear then decides it wants to play with the flag and pulls down on the flag bending it over

This is the amazing moment where a baby bear runs from the woods onto the green of a golf course and begins performing circus tricks. 
Two other baby bears remain on the edge of the green as their more adventurous sibling makes his way to the flag. 
The bear quickly reaches out to the flag and rears up onto his hind legs. 
After about one minute, he starts pulling down the flag and begins dancing around in a circle. Then he changes to a forward and back motion. 
The bear was spotted by Andi Dzilums as he played with friends at the Fairmont Hot Springs' golf course in British Columbia, Canada.

