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Fareen television channel owner Tawfiq Okasha reprimanded anchor Rana al-Duwaik live on air.

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Friday, 2 May 2014
No one wants a telling off by their boss, especially not in public. But for Egypt-based news anchor Rana al-Duwaik, the nightmare became reality when the owner of the channel for which she works called into her program to tell her to cut the broadcast, live on air.

Al-Duwaik, who hosts “Live from Egypt” on the Faraeen TV channel, took an on air call from the owner of the channel, Tawfiq Okasha. He scolded his employee about the content of a previous on air interview and told her to “go and learn” before ordering that the broadcast be cut.

Initially, Duwaik interviewed a specialist on Egypt’s banning of the April 6 movement, which was one of the forces behind toppling the government of Hosni Mubarak. The conversation was interrupted by a phone call from Okasha.

Afterwards, her boss called in and asked her: “I want to ask you a question, why are you still talking to him (the man she was speaking to live)?”

She said: “He just started talking.”

He told her to promptly end the conversation, but soon he heightened his tone and told her, “go learn.”

Duwaik fell into complete silence and seemed to struggle to keep her composure before abruptly bidding viewers farewell and ending the show.

Okasha has previously expressed sentiments against Egyptian liberals and revolutionary youth activities. After the 2012 presidential elections, he claimed that Washington and Egypt’s military council rigged the elections in favor the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi in part of a plot to give Egyptian oil fields to Israel.
