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Аргентинский иезуита Хорхе Бергольо нового Папы Ватикан сегодня 13-3-2013

Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio New pope Vatican today 03-13-2013 as he's announced as 266th pontiff and chooses the name Francis I

Jorge Bergoglio, 76, from Buenos Aires was revealed as the new Pope this evening at around 7.15pm GMT to screaming crowds in St Peter's Square, Vatican City. The native Spanish speaker, who is also fluent in Italian and German, began his address with a joke, saying that his brother cardinals had gathered to pick a bishop of Rome 'and they have chosen one from far away but here I am'. Dressed in white robes with an elaborate stole, Pope Francis becomes the first South American Pontiff and first non-European Pope. He is also the first Jesuit to hold the title and narrowly lost out to Benedict XVI in 2005.
