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Triple H back to Raw 02-25-2013 face to face with Brock Lesnar

Paul Heyman’s fight against Mr. McMahon degenerated into a brawl between Brock Lesnar and Triple H

DALLAS — The WWE Universe was promised a fight when Raw rolled into the Lone Star State, and a fight was what they got. It just wasn’t exactly the one they were expecting.
With Mr. McMahon and Paul Heyman’s much-ballyhooed brawl kicking off the show, things began more or less as expected: The Chairman — still on crutches following hip replacement surgery from a few weeks back — didn’t even bother to shed his suit before coming to the ring and beckoning his longtime nemesis to throw down between the ropes. Heyman responded with his signature bluster, but even compromised by crutches Mr. McMahon simply overpowered the mad scientist. Before The Chairman could strike the deciding blow, however, an equalizer arrived in the form of Brock Lesnar!
Looking for a repeat of the assault that maimed The Chairman last month, Lesnar had Mr. McMahon dead to rights when Triple H stormed the ring in retaliation, coming to his father in law’s defense and pouncing on The Anomaly in a blind fury. Ramming Lesnar into the ring post, Triple H drew blood from the behemoth and narrowly escaped decimation at the hands of a chair strike, eventually driving Brock back from the ring. The King of Kings’ quick thinking undoubtedly saved The Chairman’s skin. Whether that heroism comes at the expense of Triple H’s own safety? Well, that’s a matter for speculation at this point

