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Watch WWE Smackdown 10-26-2012 Results

Watch WWE Smackdown 10-26-2012 Results from Providence, Rhode Island

By Steve Carrier on 10/23/2012

Dark Match

* Johnny Curtis defeated Sami Callahan. Johnny came out sporting his new look. After the match he placed a rose on Callahan's chest.

WWE Smackdown (Airing Friday)
* SmackDown opens with Randy Orton cutting a promo on Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio comes out and they argue. Wade Barrett attacks Orton from behind and escapes. Teddy Long announces Barrett vs. Orton for tonight's main event.

* Kane beat Cody Rhodes with Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan on commentary.

* Backstage segment with Big Show and Booker T.
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* The Miz defeated Yoshi Tatsu.

* Booker T has gathered Eve Torres, Aksana, Layla and Kaitlyn backstage. Aksana says Eve made her attack Kaitlyn. Teddy comes in and chimes in. Booker announces Eve vs. Layla vs. Kaitlyn for Hell In a Cell and Eve & Aksana vs. Layla & Kaitlyn for tonight.

* Wade Barrett beat Randy Orton after distraction from Alberto Del Rio.

* John Cena addressing the AJ Lee controversy is announced for the Hell in a Cell Youtube pre-show.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus and Booker T.

* Damien Sandow beat Daniel Bryan with Kane and Cody Rhodes on commentary. There was a big brawl at ringside.

* Sheamus, Big Show and Josh Mathews do a face-off in the ring for Hell In a Cell. There are a dozen or so security guards around the ring. They cut promos on each other until Sheamus broke through security and attacked Show. Security got involved but Show and Sheamus cleared the ring. Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick on Show but he escaped the ring and left up the ramp laughing. Sheamus hit a Brogue on one of the guards to end the show.
