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TNA Slammiversary 2012 Results

TNA Slammiversary 2012  Results 

Hulk Hogan’s music hits and he comes to the ring for a promo. Hogan gets a big pop from the crowd and welcomes us to Slammiversary. Hogan says it’s a celebration of 10 years of Impact Wrestling – and the next 10 years twill be twice as awesome. He says he’s been around the block a few times and this company is shooting to the moon. Hogan says Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries will the show tonight – and it will be for Aries’ X-Division title.

X-Division Title Match: Austin Aries (c) vs. Samoa Joe:

Winner: Austin Aries

At ringside, Tenay and Taz hype tonight’s main event. Up next is Kid Kash vs. Hernandez.

Kid Kash vs. Hernandez

Winner: Hernandez

Robbie E and Robbie T vs. Devon and Garett Bischoff

Winners: Devon and Garett Bischoff

After the match, Devon and Bischoff dance in the ring together.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviews TNA’s tag team champions, Kazarian and Daniels, who cut a promo about their match with AJ Styles Kurt Angle later tonight.

Up next is the #1 contenders match to determine who gets a TNA World title shot this week on Impact.

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Winner & New #1 Contender: Mr. Anderson

Backstage, Crimson is interviewed by Jeremy Borash and cuts a promo about how impressive his undefeated streak is. His open challenge is up next.

Crimson comes to the ring and continues to talk up his undefeated streak. He says all he sees are a bunch of losers – and tonight, his streak will continue. After about 30 seconds of waiting to find out who his opponent will be, we hear …. “Sorry ’bout your damn luck!”

Crimson vs. Cowboy James Storm:

Winner: James Storm

Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviews Austin Aries and asks him what’s next for him. Aries says he’s come a long way in the past year and he . What does he want next? He wants to be the man that sets the bar that everyone else has to reach for. He wants to be the main event – and he will do whatever he has to do to get there.

A video package is shown from another great moment in TNA history – Hulk Hogan’s arrival to the company and the Hogan-Bischoff press conference in New York City.

Dixie Carter’s music hits and out comes the TNA President. She asks the crowd how they’re doing and gets a lout “Thank You Dixie” chant. She says it’s a surreal moment to be here – in front of TNA’s largest United States crowd in company history. Loud TNA chant as the camera pans across the arena. She thanks Jeff & Jerry Jarrett, Spike TV and all of their partners around the world. Most importantly – to the greatest wrestling fans in the world. Dixie Carter invites the entire TNA roster out to the stage for the first Hall of Fame inductee.

Dixie Carter introduces the first inductee into the TNA Hall of Fame – STING. A great video package airs with all of TNA’s top stars talking about Sting’s accomplishments to the wrestling industry and TNA. Sting is shown getting emotional. His music hits and he walks from the ramp to the ring. Dixie Carter thanks Sting for all he’s done for the company. Loud YES! chant from the crowd. Dixie says she’s asked for Sting’s help over and over, and he’s always delivered. The formal induction celebration will take place at TNA Bound For Glory. Loud Thank You Sting chant.

Sting says he had no idea that he was going to be selected and it’s a true honor. He says the fans are chanting “Thank You Sting” – but he wants to thank them. He’s always tried to give the fans his all and tonight – it will be showtime. Sting and Dixie Carter hug in the ring as Sting’s music hits once again. They leave together as Mike Tenay and Taz talk about the announcement at ringside. Taz puts over Sting and says it’s legit that nobody knew who Dixie Carter would announce as the inductee

TNA Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

Winner & NEW Knockouts Champion: Miss Tessmacher

After the match, Christy Hemme interviews Miss Tessmacher in the aisle and asks her what it’s She’s emotional and says it’s truly epic. She says God Bless Texas and holds the title belt over her head.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash congratulates Miss Tessmacher and says the wild night continues. He starts yapping about Twitter when a hand covers his mouth. It’s Bully Ray. He asks, “Do you know who I am? Do you know where I’m from?” Bully Ray says he’s got Joseph Park right where he wants him – in the middle of the ring. Make no mistake about it – tonight, there will be no wrestling going on. Tonight, it’s going to be an all out assault. He pulls out the contract that says if he’s not responsible for any bodily harm he causes. He says Abyss better not show up tonight.

A video package airs looking back at the recent storyline with Joseph Park, Abyss and Bully Ray.

Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park:

Winner: Joseph Park

Backstage, Jeremy Borash introduces the longest reigning champion in TNA history, Bobby Roode. Roode says tonight is a celebration of TNA, but the only thing people should be celebrating is him. Without the “It Factor” of professional wrestling, there would be no TNA. He’s the best of the best and doesn’t give a crap about Sting’s Hall of Fame induction. Later tonight, he’s going to walk out TNA Champion.

Hulk Hogan’s music hits and TNA’s General Manager is out once again. Hogan says he’s got one more surprise – and introduces Christian Cage. Out comes Christian, who shakes hands with Hulk Hogan and walks to the ring. Big pop for Christian, with many in the crowd doing the “2 C’s” Christian Cage hand gesture. Loud “Welcome Back” chant. Christian grabs a microphone and says, “Can you guess the question I’ve been asked the most this week?” Are the rumors true? Will be be at Slammiversary? Loud YES! chant from the crowd again. Christian says a few things have changed since he’s been gone – but one thing hasn’t changed – the great fans of TNA. He tells everybody to give themselves a round of applause. Christian says the fans have been voting on the top moments in company history – and he’s here tonight to introduce the #1 moment in company history – Sting’s returning to TNA at Final Resolution 2006.

Video package airs recapping the storyline with Dixie Carter, AJ Styles, Daniels and Kazarian.

TNA Tag Title Match: Daniels & Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle & AJ Styles

Winners & NEW Tag Team Champions: Kurt Angle & AJ Styles

The champions celebrate in the ring as we get a replay video package of that match. Back at ringside, Taz and Mike Tenay deliver the final hype for tonight’s main event for the TNA World title. Video package airs looking back at Sting and Roode’s feud. We look at the tale of the tape for the main event – and Sting’s music hits.

TNA World Title Match: Bobby Roode (c) vs. Sting

Winner & Still TNA Champion: Bobby Roode

Sting is bleeding from the head and snaps. Roode tries to run away but Sting catches him and gives him a suplex on the ramp. Sting continues to beat down Sting on the ramp. Scorpion Death Drop off the ramp through a gimmicked table covered with a black curtain. Holy sh*t chant from the crowd as Sting’s music hits. The show goes off the air.
