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Emer O’Toole photos shows her armpits on This Morning

 Emer O’Toole photos hasn't shaved her under arms or her legs for 18 months she shows her armpits on This Morning

Proud to be hairy: Emer O’Toole shows her armpits on This Morning
Of course, she isn’t the first woman to be captured by the cameras with hairy armpits — when Julia Roberts turned up at a premiere and revealed a Rolf Harris beard tucked into her armpits, the world was revolted.
While I have no idea why the Pretty Woman actress decided to stay natural, Emer claims that shaving body hair is anti-feminist, and forces women to conform to ‘artificial gender norms’.

You have to hand it to Emer O’Toole. Not many 28-year-olds would go on national TV wearing a sleeveless little black frock if they hadn’t shaved their armpits for 18 months.
Yet the incredibly pretty Emer proudly raised her slim arms on This Morning last week to reveal that she doesn’t shave, or wax, or pluck. And we’re not talking a bit of fluff here — she revealed underarm beards that would have made Osama bin Laden proud.
Yikes, it was horrible. As were her hairy legs to match. Watching her I nearly parted company with my breakfast. 

While an online poll revealed that  80 per cent of viewers were as appalled as I was, Emer’s comments did make me question my own relationship with my body hair. It didn’t take much contemplation to come to a conclusion: I hate it. As far as I’m concerned, the only hair that belongs on a woman is on her head. 
Like most women, I shave. Unlike less hirsute women, I also wax, tweeze, use hair removal cream — and my Epilady home epilator is my best friend.

As nature intended: Emer hasn't shaved her under arms or her legs for 18 months
I have to admit a rather troubled history with my hairiness. When I was born, the nurses fondly called me ‘the wolf baby’. Well, it was the politically incorrect Fifties. I was born with a head of jet black hair that descended down to my eyebrows. It quickly dropped out to make me look normal again, but was quite a shock for my mum.

Although my face was hair-free by the time I went to school, the rest of my body was another story. 
The other children nicknamed me monkey, as I had soft dark hair on my legs and arms when I was just ten years old. 

Even in the searing 40C Australian heat, I would always wear a cardigan to cover my hairy arms.
The happiest day of my life was when my hairdresser auntie introduced me to Veet hair removal cream. She slathered it over my arms and legs, and voila! Ten smelly minutes later I was a normal girl — and the cardigan was shelved, along with my acute embarrassment.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail


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  1. http://poilagratter.over-blog.net ; hairy armpit isthe new flag for feminist fight

  2. It is divine ordained and natural because women are human species what mother earth is to all earthly creation.


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