Hulk Hogan Sings Lady Gaga in Video to Promote Fitness | #ChallengeHulk
Video: Hulk Hogan Does His Best Lady Gaga Impression
Hulk Hogan is once again making news this week.
We might be in the midst of Hulkamania 2012.
While Hogan is worried about a sex tape being released, he has released a video of his own where he sings a Lady Gaga song.
As a part of his Challenge Hulk campaign on Twitter and in an effort to promote the "Body by Vi Challenge," Hogan made a video in which he is signing and dancing to "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.
There is not much that can be said about this video, except that his intentions were good.
Hulk is hoping to challenge people to get in shape and is using Twitter to promote the cause.
On Friday, Hogan tweeted, "Runnin' wild 'cause I was #bornthisway, Brother! @ladygaga #ChallengeHulk HH"
The video is to represent the Body by Vi brand that promotes getting in shape with the help of their products. They give away gifts and such to entice people to join the movement.
Whether the video works as a motivational factor or not is yet to be determined.
The message is already receiving mixed feedback, however, on Twitter.
Positive messages such as, "Time to get in shape for the summer, in other words I'm 'Hulking up!' #ChallengeHulk" have appeared.
The negative ones are mixed in as well, as people wonder why there is so much Hogan talk as of late and tweeting, "Is the legend that is @HulkHogan having a mid life crisis with all these #ChallengeHulk videos..."
Good for Hulk and all those that he can help to get in shape.
It is a positive message and creative idea but the questionable promotion could have gone in so many other directions rather than singing and dancing to Lady Gaga.
But if people are talking about it then the message is reaching more people, successfully getting the word out to potentially achieve the Hulk's goal to get people in shape.
Overall it would look like this is going to be a success for Hogan.
Every person that the Hulk helps is a positive for the Challenge Hulk campaign.
Hulk Hogan responds to challenge via tweet at #ChallengeHulk
You challenged Hulk on Twitter, now he challenges YOU to get fit and be healthy! Health and humor from the Hulkster. Go ahead Brother! subscribe, drop a note, shoot your thoughts.
You challenged Hulk on Twitter, now he challenges YOU to get fit and be healthy! Health and humor from the Hulkster. Go ahead Brother! subscribe, drop a note, shoot your thoughts.
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