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WWE SmackDown 02.10.2012 Before TV show

WWE SmackDown  02.08.2012 Before TV show

Complete WWE Smackdown Taping Results (SPOILERS) 

Posted by Jeremy Thomas on 02.08.2012 

*Smackdown opens With Sheamus coming to the ring and he cuts a promo about which title he should challenge for at Wrestlemania 28. Wade Barrett comes out and says he's going to win the Smackdown Elimination Chamber and then Sheamus will lose to him at Wrestlemania. WWE Intercontinental champion Cody Rhodes comes out and says that he's going to win and beat Sheamus at Mania. Big Show then comes out and says he will be facing Sheamus at Mania. Cody says that Snooki from the Jersey Shore has a better Wrestlemania record than Show. Show chokeslammed him.

They announce Big Show & Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes for tonight.

*WWE Divas champ Beth Phoenix defeated Alicia Fox with the Glamslam. Natalya and Beth appeared to have some sort of face-off in the ring.

*Big Show & Sheamus defeated WWE Intercontinental champ Cody Rhodes & Wade Barrett when Sheamus pinned Barrett following a Brogue Kick.

*Michael Cole comes to the ring and he introduces AJ. Cole tells her that the entire locker room believes that Daniel Bryan set the entire thing up. World champion Daniel Bryan comes out and says he's had enough and is going to break both of Cole's arms. Cole runs away. Bryan says that he went on a nature walk Sunday while everyone else was eating meat, drinking beer and soda watching the Superbowl. He then says that due to the way AJ has been treated, he is taking her to his Prius and driving her home. Teddy Long tells Bryan he will arrange safe passage for AJ, but if Bryan walks out, he will forfeit the World title.

*Ted DiBiase pinned Hunico.

*World champion Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton. Big Show is doing commentary. Bryan tries to leave with the World title belt but Show grabs him and throws him back in. Orton nails Bryan with the RKO and covers him for the pin but in the end, it turns out Bryan was DQ'd for Show's interference. Orton and Show get into it and Show lays out Orton, who has to be helped out by the referees.

Source :http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/223369/Complete-WWE-Smackdown-Taping-Results-(SPOILERS).htm
