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Undertaker VS Triple H for third time on Wrestlemania 28

 On April 1st, the dream match that was thought to be nothing more than a fantasy less than two years ago will finally take place. The Rock versus John Cena. The Main Event. Icon versus Icon. To many, perhaps just as important and enthralling that night in Miami, Florida will be the Undertaker and his Legendary Streak.

Undefeated in nineteen appearances, this record has withstood Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Edge and many others’ efforts to end the Streak. This year, the Undertaker is rumored to face Triple H for the third time and this was met with a groan from yours truly. Again? First, the WWE has us believe that they have never faced off at Wrestlemania before by never mentioning their previous meeting. Secondly, have they really run out of new opponents that the Undertaker can have a good match with?

It’s less than a matter of ‘been there, done that’ and more of ‘is there nothing better?’ There is nothing personal about their matches, unlike, for example, those of Stone Cold and the Rock who met three times at the Grandest Stage of them All. It all feels like something thrown together at the last minute, two big names, nothing else. For a man that has already lost twice, perhaps Triple H has already taken his turn at ending the Streak. This is not to cast doubts on these two men and their ability to put on a show-stealing match, as last year proved. It is just that the Undertaker’s undefeated record is so meaningful and awe-inspiring that each opponent who fails adds a mystique to the Legend and the man behind it. Perhaps someone new like CM Punk or even Chris Jericho should get a turn and opportunity. Or maybe someone young with a bright future ahead like the Miz or Wade Barrett. Only true superstars and main eventers have usually had the privilege of attempting to end the Streak, but any of these names would be new and exciting opponents.

If any man has the right to face the Undertaker more than twice at Wrestlemania, it should be Kane, the Big Red Machine who has finally returned to his masked origins. Kane’s career was built on his ‘half-brother’s success’ and has battled him many times for the power and control of darkness. There is nothing more personal than a brother facing a brother, and even then, perhaps three times is a bit too much. However, if the Undertaker absolutely has to face somebody three times and not somebody new, it should be Kane, not the King of Kings. In that case, may the wrestling gods grant them young bodies for one night as no one wants to see them lay around the ring for twenty minutes.

Each year brings a new Wrestlemania, but each one should count, each moment should be memorable and valuable to all watching. The Undertaker’s Streak has become one of the traditions, as integral to the event as any championship defense. With his advancing age, the world can only see a few more matches from the Deadman, maybe two at most. On April 1st, the world gets closer to an end of an era, but it should go out with a bang, not with a groan and a whimper.
