Twins Kristina and Karissa revealed what it was like to live in the Playboy Mansion

As if answering his dreams, the twins replied: 'Yeah, it's basically exactly like you'd imagine.'
An inquisitive Denise ventured: 'So... are there literally naked girls walking around?'
'There are naked girls walking around!' Twins Kristina and Karissa give Frankie a glimpse of life inside the Playboy Mansion
It was only a matter of time before Frankie Cocozza started pumping his female housemates for information.

Frankie asked the blonde pair: 'So what's it like living in the Playboy Manison? Is it every bit as glorious as I imagine?'
Yes, naked painted girls walking around, at the parties!' giggled the sisters.
Barely able to contain himself, Frankie asked 'how do you get in?', to which the twins responded that you had to know someone or get invited.
No holds barred: The twins were frank about the fact that people regularly had sex at the mansion parties

Pressing further, Denise asked: 'And do people actually get jiggy? Like have sex?'
The twins smilingly replied: 'Yeah people have sex, it goes down.'
Chomping at the bit, Frankie jumped in and gasped: 'Please invite me.'
It appears that there were a few drawbacks to their apparently fabulous lifestyle however, as they described a few of the stipulations by which they had to abide to stay in the house.
'We weren't allowed to do anything in there, there was a whole schedule we had to abide by,' Karissa explained.
Blast from the past! The twins described how Playboy mansion inmates would jump into the pool naked during parties
'We had the morning to do whatever we wanted to do during the day, so we would go shopping or work out.'

Naturally as models there were a few additional requirements, and they added: 'There were photo shoots, and we were doing the show [Girls Of The Playboy Mansion].'
Always on call: The girls described how they had a 9pm curfew while living at the mansion
But being the companions of 84-year-old Hugh Hefner had a few obvious drawbacks, as they admitted; 'Everyone there is old, al his friends, and you always have to be smiling.'
'We had a curfew of 9pm.'
Naturally there was some compensation, as they added: 'You get an allowance to be there.'
Almost like home: The girls admitted that they had been at the Playboy Mansion largely for 'decoration'
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