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Shaquille O’Neal VS Big Show at WrestleMania 28

Shaquille O’Neal VS Big Show at WrestleMania 28

Shaq Says He's In Talks With WWE to Wrestle Big Show at WM28

NBA star Shaquille O’Neal appeared on Chicago’s Abe Kanan radio show on Thursday and said he’s in talks for a match against Big Show at WrestleMania.

Shaq, a lifelong wrestling fan, has appeared on WWE television several times in recent years, including a spot as the RAW Guest Host back in 2009. Shaq had a face-to-face confrontation with The Big Show at that time and has been interested in working a WWE match for a very long time.

With WWE negotiating with Shaq to step in the ring at WrestleMania, you can see the company is going all out in hopes of making next year’s event the biggest WrestleMania of all time.

Source : http://www.sescoops.com/wrestling-news
