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Samer Mustafa Abdul-Khaliq took three narcotic pills, and kills his parents

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Able management of public police detective article in the West Bank arrested the young Mostafa Samir Abd al-Khaliq (22 years), who killed his parents and the central Gaza Strip. 

The General Investigation Department confirmed that during the investigation of the offender admitted to committing the crime and made the details of where the offender per hour after midnight on Monday 12/12/2011 with use of three pills of the narcotic type Trömadol and fired a single shot of Kalashnikov type weapon you get from one directly at the head of his relatives and his father, Mustafa Abdul-Khaliq Mohammed Ahoiha (62 years), he slept in the hall of his house and he died on the spot and wait for ten minutes before the body of his father.

Fraodh feeling that his mother will reveal it released deadly another bullet at the head of his mother, Halima Hassan Hosni Ahoiha (64 years) that did not wake up to the sound of gunfire because I recover from several chronic diseases Vetovt immediately.
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She added: "Then went the killer to his bedroom and he stayed two hours and got the keys to his father and went to the station, Abu Asi place of business of his father and stole the $ 98 thousand shekels what he found the station to connect after one of the drivers, office car and ask him to connect to the tunnels in Rafah to cross then to the area El-Arish before being arrested and in possession of thirteen thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars were also seized twenty thousand and eight hundred shekels crime scene and the rest of the amount of the offender was robbed by the Bedouins of Sinai which is close to eleven thousand dollars. "

On the reason for committing the crime is clear from the confession that the motive was robbery, where plans to kill his parents and get the money and his father are the property of the owner of the station that employs his father, also plans to escape to the United States being studied at the American University in Egypt.
