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Russell Crowe photos shows off his buff new body after lose weight

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Russell Crowe shows off his buff new body after lose weight

Half the man he used to be: Russell Crowe's spectacular weight loss was obvious as he strolled around in Sydney, Australia yesterday compared to six months ago 

Romper Stomper: Russell has turned his back on his old unhealthy ways and has walked off his flab
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He won an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a tortured genius in A Beautiful Mind.
But Russell Crowe's legion of female fans have always been more interested in the spectacular body he showed off in films such as Gladiator and Cinderella Man.
And they can smile again, as a hardcore fitness regime has helped the 47-year-old star shed the flab and get back into peak condition.

He looked like the action man of old as he pranced around in Sydney, Australia showing off his tanned and toned physique.
Just six months ago the movie hunk looked chubby as he went shopping for cigars in Beverly Hills, and had clearly piled on the pounds due to his unhealthy lifestyle.
But it seems cutting down on treats such as cream cakes and going walkabout has come to rescue of the Aussie's waistline.
No doubt starring as Superman's father Jor-El in the upcoming Man Of Steel movie helped inspire him to start pumping iron.

And the New Zealand born actor is sharing his secrets for looking good for his fans on Twitter.
The star is constantly tweeting about his yomping antics, letting his supporters know how many times he was went for a walk, and for how long.
The father-of-two is not beating around the bush when it comes to his regime, as he is also spending time at the gym and on his mountain bike.
Hopefully his example will be an inspiration to others, as he has showed just what is possible with hard work and dedication.

That's how he does it: The good natured star has been inspiring his portly fans by sharing the secrets of his regime
Russell has admitted to gorging on junk food in the past.
He said he dined out on junk food to prepare for the role as a bloated and manipulative CIA boss in 2008's Body of Lies alongside Leonardo DiCaprio.
He said: 'I'll have the cheeseburger for breakfast, thank you,'  as he joked of his approach to weight gain.
He also confessed to gorging on sweet treats including cupcakes.
And he has also been candid about how difficult it is for him to stay in shape as a middle aged man.
He said: 'At my age, I have to watch everything I eat. I have to be really disciplined.
'If you take off those disciplines, all hell breaks loose. And it happens pretty quickly.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk
