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The Dictator - Sasha Baron Cohen Movie 2012

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The Dictator - Sasha Baron Cohen Movie (2012) HD

The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed. 

Release Date: May 11, 2012 

Director: Larry Charles 
Writers: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alec Berg, Jeff Schaffer, David Mandel
Cast: Megan Fox, Sacha Baron Cohen, Anna Faris, John C. Reilly, Ben Kingsley, B.J. Novak, Kevin Corrigan, J.B. Smoove, Jim Piddock, Aasif Mandvi 
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Plot: The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed. 
Genre: Comedy

Sacha Baron Cohen is back, and he's edgier than ever.
This time he's gone full blown Middle Eastern dictator.
This one actually makes us more nervous for Cohen's safety than some of the other ones. But he's totally fearless, and really doesn't care about who he pisses off.
This movie is different than the first two and different from "Da Ali G Show" because it looks like it's all acting as opposed to interviews with participants who don't realize who he is.
Cohen has been bulking up his credits: He's in the newly released "Hugo," and will also be in "Django Unchained."
In the movie, which comes out May 11th, Cohen plays a sort of cross between Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi who comes to New York City, and of course, mayhem ensues. As does hilarity.

