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Lindsay Lohan Victim Or Guilty

Lindsay Lohan: I'm The Victim!!!
Lindsay is squarely disputing the story chemical dependency technician Dawn Holland told TMZ ... that Lindsay attacked her and caused her to sprain her arm so severely she's on workers' comp.  Lindsay says, for starters, she wasn't even with her two roommates hours before the incident.  Lindsay says she was out getting her hair done.
Lindsay is telling her friends and family, when she returned to the house, Holland grabbed her abruptly and pushed her so hard, Lindsay began to cry. 

Lindsay says that's when she went inside the house and called 911.

As for refusing to take a breathalyzer, Lindsay says she actually asked Holland to give her a test but Holland refused.
Lindsay claims there were not only witnesses that saw everything ... there are surveillance cameras to prove her story.
TMZ has obtained a copy of the incident report Lindsay Lohan's alleged victim sent to officials at the Betty Ford Clinic ... and the allegations of violence are even more serious than first reported.

Dawn Holland -- whom TMZ interviewed Tuesday afternoon -- wrote her report 6 hours after her showdown with Lindsay at Betty Ford. Holland says during the heat of the argument, Lindsay "threw the phone ... I threw up my left hand to block it and then she grabbed my right hand and tried to snatch the phone that I had up to my ear, then called me a 'C__T B___H.'"

As TMZ first reported, Holland was called in by BF security to do a breathalyzer test on Lindsay and her two roommates after they returned from a night of partying past curfew.

According to the incident report, it was Dina Lohan who told Lindsay over the phone no one had to submit to a breathalyzer test. Holland writes one of the roommates admitted drinking, and then went into Lindsay's bedroom and Lindsay "yelled at me that she was talking to her mother and her mother told her she didn't have to breathalize, she asked me if I wanted to speak to her mother but would never hand me the phone."

In the report Holland says she told Lindsay -- whose code name at the clinic is Bella G. -- "You know that I could press charges against you for putting your hands on me. And she replied 'Oh, you want money.
