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bar drops across the hapless weightlifter's neck as he's trying to lift 160kg without a spotter

Ambitious weightlifter tries to bench 160kg without a spotter
He is nearly choked to death after the bar drops across his neck
Design of the safety bars on the bench allowed barbell to slip through

A video circulating online shows how careful you need to be when attempting to bench press solo.
It shows a man get hopelessly trapped beneath a heavily weighted barbell that nearly chokes him to death before he's able to escape.
The clip, which has spread across the online fitness community and beyond, has been held up as a warning of the dangers of dodgy equipment after the bench's badly designed safety bars fail to catch the falling weight.

Eek! The bar drops across the hapless weightlifter's neck as he's trying to lift it back up
Panic! He rolls his legs up as he desperately tries to escape from beneath the crushing weight
Phew... He's managed to get himself out, but must have only been seconds away from choking to death

I'm alive: He looks back at the apparatus that nearly cost him his life
The video begins with a man in a gym lying back on a bench. Above him an Olympic-grade barbell is racked and loaded with a rather hefty 140kg worth of plates.
That's about the weight of two large-ish grown men. But he obviously feels he is safe to lift it as long as he has the safety bars on the weight rack to fall back on.
Although he's not exactly muscle-bound, the ambitious weightlifter shows proper bench pressing form as he manages to unrack the phenomenal weight and lower it to his chest.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2805190/Ouch-Epic-weightlifting-fail-showing-NOT-lift-weights-goes-viral.html#ixzz3H0vAWbXD 

