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Alia Elmahdi photos in sweden stockholm with 2 ukrainan women with out clothes

Alia elmahdy photos in sweden stockholam back again to be number
one and the first words
on the search engine in the arabic world from the golf to the ocean
the egyptian girl alia elmahdy shooted an unacceptable photos
in front of the egyptian emabasy in stockholm sweden
with another 2 women
the third with mo clothes
alia wrote a words on her dody refuse the the egyptian new constitution
whats your opinion about the phtos? 

Alia Mahdi "naked " also fired upon published pictures of her with activists Aokranaat of Association Femin pro women's liberation and to prevent the oppression of women and persecution of naked completely and they cover sensitive places in their body with posters of Quranic verses and an expression of them expressed anger at the draft constitution-Masri, who isreferendum now that they called "Constitution" Islamic 

and strange thing is described by the Constitution, the Constitution of dictatorial supervised by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and named it the title of "the new prophet" and stressed the request of the Egyptian people reject the constitution to cause its repression of Egyptian women and Egyptian peoplewrote entirely on their bodies, "the Constitution is not law, not the law"
